Page 65 of Playing for Keeps

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I pull out my phone and text Kelsey.

I need Camila's phone number, please.

K: Why?

"How does she manage to convey suspicion in a one-word text?" I mutter to myself, partially convinced she's not human.

Me: Because.

K: Because why, Grayson Alexander Larsen?

Me: Did you just full-name me?

K: Still waiting.

Me: I want to call her.

I barely have time to send the message before my phone rings with an incoming call from her.

"Why do you want to call her?" she asks as soon as I answer.

"To get started on Operation Save Gray. I have an idea."

"Oh, lord," Kelsey sighs.


"Let's hear the plan."

"I didn't say I had a plan. I said I had an idea."

"What's the idea, Gray?" she asks.

"Community service."

"You aren't a criminal. Well, you are, but he didn't press charges, so it doesn't count," she says. I'm pretty sure there are massive holes in her logic, but I'm not going to argue.

"I thought maybe if I did some volunteer work for a worthy cause this weekend," I say, "we could start turning this shit show around and make people forget that I punched Cal Hopkins. Or at least help them remember that I'm not an out-of-control hockey player."

"Make people forget or make Camila forget?"

"Is it likely to work?" I ask, running my teeth over my bottom lip.

"No, but it's a start," she says and then sighs. "I'll see what I can do."

"So can I have her phone number?"


"She's my publicist, Kelsey."

"Not yet. She hasn't accepted you as a client. I'll run this by her and then she can reach out to you if she decides the idea has any merit," Kelsey negotiates.

"I don't like you very much right now."

"You will when she agrees to marry you," she says. "That is your end goal, yes?"
