Page 92 of Playing for Keeps

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Gray grimaces at me. "My ass has suffered enough abuse lately. Can't he just break my jaw or something?"

"And mess up that pretty face? No way!"

"Smart ass."

I giggle, which makes him smile.

"What are we going to do about Rhonda?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "What can we do? If I deny whatever story she puts out there, I look like I'm hiding something, and I sound like an even bigger asshole. I think the best thing to do is just let her speak her peace, wish her well, and then move on with our lives."

"When did you get so smart, Mr. Larsen?"

"Right about the time I met a goddess." he says, kissing his way down my chest. "I realized I had to wizen up, so I didn't risk losing her. Because not being able to do this to her would be a fucking waste."

I moan when he licks a path down my belly, nudging my legs apart.

"Oh, fuck yeah," he whispers from between them, sending lava through my veins. "Not being able to do this would definitely be a problem for me. Jesus,querida. How are you so pretty here?"

"I don't know!" I cry, lifting my hips to get them closer to his mouth.

By the time he's done with me nearly an hour later, I'm a puddle of goo in the middle of his bed. I watch through slit lids as he prowls around the room, getting his stuff together so he can leave with the team this afternoon to head to Texas.

I don't want him to go. Even though he'll be home late tomorrow night, I'm going to miss him like crazy. He's already such an important part of my life. After spending the last twenty-four hours with him, I'm not ready to go back to my lonely apartment.

Not being with him tomorrow feels wrong, especially when Rhonda's interview will air at the same time as the game. I should be there to support him. Even though he's decided not to address it at all for the time being, I feel like I should be there with him.

I bite my lip and reach for my phone to text Emma.

"Should I pack all of this?" Gray asks, holding up the bag of stuff I brought him from the pharmacy.

"Unless you want your teammates razzing you about scratching your ass on the bench like a dog on the floor," I say, earning a growl from him.

"You're asking for a spanking,querida."

"Promises, promises," I sass, smiling like a lunatic at him. He's so damn playful.

"Stop distracting me before I forget I'm supposed to be somewhere soon," he says, shaking his head at me. He tosses the entire bag of medicine into his duffle before heading back to the closet. He's definitely not embarrassed enough about the poison ivy to cover it up. Which is great news for me because watchinghim walk his fine ass around without clothes on is my favorite sport.

My phone dings with a response from Emma.

Emma: Yep. I can handle it. Why?

Me: I'm going to a hockey game in Texas.

Emma: …

Me: Long story. We'll talk this week.

Emma: Fine, but I expect details!

Me: Same.

Emma: I have no details.

Me: Oh. So I didn't hear Zayne Carmichael trying to convince you to go out with him?

Emma: *whistles*
