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"He's a pediatric surgeon."

"Don't forget pain in the ass," Cash supplies.

"Right." Cormac grins at me. "He's a pain-in-the-ass pediatric surgeon."

"And then we've got Bender." Cormac points to him, but I recognize him. It's hard not to know who he is when his band was one of the biggest in the world. "Jude, Fifth." The man in the fancy suit beside Bender gives me a smile. "Prince Damien De Angelis. We call him Angel. I don't know why. He's the fucking devil."

Angel laughs, flipping him the bird. "It's nice to meet you, Bella."

"Um, you too," I whisper, not exactly sure how I'm supposed greet a prince. But I figure if he's flipping Cormac off, I can probably skip a curtsey.

"And this," Cormac says, turning me gently to face the man on the end, "is Andreas Romano, Playboy."

I can tell by the way he introduces him that Andreas is special to him, his closest friend. It's obvious Andreas feels the same way about Cormac. The bond between them is apparent.

"Hi, Andreas."

"It's good to finally meet you, Bella," he says as if he's been waiting a long time. He meets Cormac's gaze over my head. "Changed your mind about the water, didn't you?"

"Fuck off," Cormac mutters, making Andreas smile.

"Another one bites the dust," Tate says and then laughs. "Jesus. The girls are going to love this."

"Speaking of the girls," Cormac says. "Mischief needs clothes, shoes, makeup, shampoo, all the girly shit. Help a brother out?"

"You want the girls to take her shopping?" Cash asks.

Cormac shakes his head. "I need the shopping to come to her." He releases me long enough to pull his wallet out of his pocket and hand over a credit card.

"Shit." Cash grins, taking possession of the card. "I'll gladly let our wives go on a spree with your money. Consider it payback for all the shit you've given us for the last year and a half. Just don't say I didn't fucking warn you when they buy out the entire goddamn mall."

"I don't need that much," I protest, feeling guilty. I brought a couple of outfits with me. With a few more, I'll be fine. "Just a few things."

"It's fine, Mischief," Cormac says, running a hand down my arm. "I can afford it. Besides, you're worth whatever damage they do."

An hour later, Rafe, Cowboy, and Tate leave with half of the wives for the mall. The others stay behind to help Rulie and Gloria, the older couple who are like parents to the MC, take care of the babies. There are a lot of them! My head is spinning a little bit.

I never realized just how much like family an MC could be, but this one is. Even their clubhouse is like one giant house where they all spend time together with their families. It's organized chaos.

There's so much love between everyone. Seeing them together makes me homesick in a way I've never been before now. I've always been just a short drive from home, able to visit at any time. Isla and I have never gone more than a few hours without speaking. But I'm not even allowed to call or text her in case anyone is tracking me.

I miss my twin intensely. She's always been the one constant in my life, with me even in the womb. What's she doing right now? Is she missing me too?

"We need to talk, Bella," Cormac murmurs as he, Cash, Fifth, Hacker, Bender, Angel, and Andreas all file into the living room, grim-faced and unsmiling. Samara, Tate's wife, follows behind. I think Cormac asked her to stay so I wouldn't feel outnumbered and overwhelmed. I liked her immensely. All of the wives are really sweet. I'm really looking forward to getting to know them.

Samara and Cormac immediately cross to me. Cormac picks me up from the couch before sitting down with me in his lap. Samara takes a seat beside us.

I don't bother arguing with Cormac about putting me in his lap. I can tell by the expression on his face what his brothers want to talk about, and I can use a little of his strength. My stomach trembles, anxiety quaking through me.

Samara gives me a sympathetic smile, making me intensely grateful she's here. I like her. There's a quiet strength to her, an unyielding spirit that I recognize. She's known darkness in her life.

Cormac's brothers settle in around the room, each taking seats instead of hovering or looming. Once they're all situated, Fifth leans forward, his hands steepled together.

He's an interesting man.

"We need to ask you about Bellamy Hill, sweetheart," he says, his deep voice quiet and grave. "I understand it's probably not something you want to think about, much less discuss, but in order for us to protect you to the best of our abilities, we need to know what we're up against here."

"I thought Cormac was protecting me," I mutter, stalling. He's right. I don't want to talk about it.
