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"Twice," Andreas says, adjusting his estimate. They're both assholes. "And you fix it anyway. It's what you do. You're a fucking bull in a china shop. You bulldoze over everything that gets in your way, and then you fix it. This time matters more than most because you love her, so you'll fix it. You won't be able to settle your overgrown ass down until you fix it."

"What he said," Hacker agrees. "So put us all out of our misery and call her already because you're stressing me the hell out. And this flight hasn't even left the damn ground."

"I didn't ask the two of you to come," I remind them.

"We're ride or die, motherfucker." Andreas grins. "We ride until we die."

"What he said." Hacker cracks one eye open. "Out of curiosity. Do you think you'll have a ring on her finger before she's pregnant?"


"No reason," he lies.

"You shady motherfuckers. Are you betting on whether she's pregnant before we're married?" I growl.

Andreas wipes invisible lint off his jacket, avoiding my gaze.

Hacker shrugs.

The assholes.

"I'm not dignifying that with an answer," I mutter and then pause. "But if I did, I'd bet that she's pregnant first."

Hacker grins, leaning back in his seat again.

Andreas just shakes his head.

I drag my phone out of my pocket, bringing it out of airplane mode to call Mischief and fix what I fucked up. As soon as it registers service, the goddamn thing starts blowing up.

"What the fuck?" I mutter as missed call after missed call rolls in. And then I see the text from Cash, and my entire fucking world stops spinning.

Get home now.Someone set your house on fire and Bella is still inside.

I bellow a curse, jumping up from my seat as rage and terror hit me like a fist.

No. Please, God, no. Not Bella. Not my Mischief.

Hacker jumps.

"We have to go. Now!" I roar, already racing down the aisle. "Someone set my fucking house on fire. Bella is still inside."

Andreas curses.

He and Hacker don't ask a single question. They just hit their feet running.

"Jesus Christ," Andreas whispers.

I make a strangled sound in the back of my throat, wheezing for breath as I try to comprehend the scene outside my gate. An entire half-block is cordoned off, with police cruisers and fire trucks blocking the roadway. Smoke still billows through the trees, a thick, black cloud of it slowly choking the hope out of me.

Hacker pulls his truck as close as he can. I launch myself out before he even stops. I can't breathe. I can't think. This is hell. Literal hell.

"Bella!" I roar, racing for the gate.

"Giant," Dillon Armstrong says, grabbing me by the arm before I can duck beneath the barrier.

I shake him off, a menacing growl ripping from my lips. He isn't stopping me. I don't care if he is the Sheriff and a friend. He isn't stopping me.

"Stop," he says, his voice soft.
