Page 3 of Cursed Shadows

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“For you.” Erikel peers down at me, intrigue flashing in his dark gaze. I keep my shoulders back as I stare him down, refusing to falter under his presence. “Show me.”

I nod. “I will, but first, I want Creed and three other men from that table safely extracted from this room.”

Erikel laughs, head tilted back as the sound echoes around the space.

“You don’t get to make demands here. You do as I say, and if I find out you’re lying, I’ll kill you for wasting my time.”

My mouth opens, ready to bite back, but Creed squeezes my fingers before I can. “You know we won’t leave, Raven. It’s a lost cause.”

Erikel takes a step back, extending his arm in the direction of Barton as one of the students from Shadowgrim Institute steps forward and drags the fur cloak from his body. Blood frames Professor Barton from head to toe, a thick layer outlining his limp body, and the smell singes my nose as I cringe.

It’s too late to back out now. I either reveal myself or die for faking it. Creed releases my hand and I carefully sink to the floor in my long, black-sequined dress. The rhinestones dig into my knees, biting into my skin, but I ignore it as I move to place my hands on Barton’s back. Before I can touch him, the student flips him over and yanks the long blade from his body, splattering blood across my face and arms.

“Hey,” Zane growls, and I hear a commotion coming from the table I was seated at moments ago, but I keep my gaze focused on Barton.

Now lying on his back, his face looks gaunt and gray. I press my palm against his chest and my magic comes alive inside of me, desperately wanting to mend the broken pieces at its touch.Against my better judgment, my eyes fall closed and the purple orb inside of me tingles from the tips of my fingers right down to my toes.

Silhouettes dance across my vision and an inaudible murmur rings in my ears as my breath lodges in my throat. I feel warm, like I'm basking in a soft glow on a summer morning, before it’s gone, leaving me cold and depleted.

Blinking my eyes open, I find Barton lying beside me, the color returning to his face and his chest slowly rising and falling as his heart beats once more.

“It reallyisyou,” Erikel murmurs in bewilderment, eyes wide as he gapes down at the professor. An evil grin spreads across his face as elation prickles among his men, both students and his battalion. A strange level of excitement and joy at my show of magic that doesn’t sit right with me somehow.

Not when I just laid myself bare, exposed myself to the enemy, and did exactly what I’ve been avoiding. But I would do it all again in a heartbeat to keep Creed safe.

Erikel crouches down beside me, gripping my chin in a painful hold as he stares deep into my eyes. The chaos and noise elevate around me, but I can’t focus on anything but the black pits of his eyes. Not a single ounce of warmth glows within him, even his fingertips are icy cold.

“Rest up, little soul dancer. I’m going to be takingeverythingfrom you.”



“Our goal here tonight has been achieved. Please, go home and rest. There’s a lot to prepare for in the coming weeks. School will continue as normal, just with a few… adjustments,” Erikel declares, releasing my chin and staring out at the crowd.

Wait… what?

My eyebrows pinch with confusion as he steps back, his students flanking him on either side as he claps his hands together and disappears before our very eyes. Eldon, Zane, and Brax rush to my side, dragging me to my feet, but my eyes are set on Creed, who stands in the same spot he did earlier. His gaze is fixed on his father, Erikel’s warrior, who is staring right back at him.

My heart beats hard in my chest as the warrior takes a moment to search out Creed’s mother, the world stopping as they stare at one another, but it’s over too quickly as he spins on his heels and leads the rest of Erikel’s battalion back through the double doors. The second the wood slams shut behind them all, hysteria breaks out across the room.

“We need to get out of here,” Brax grunts against my ear, his hands on my shoulders as the sea of students and their families disperse around the room.

A grunt of pain reaches my ears and I look down to see Professor Burton lifting himself to a sitting position. He presses his palm against his chest, where the wound that killed him had been moments ago, as a confused look takes over his face.

I don’t have the energy or patience to catch him up to speed. I saved him. Someone else can deal with this part.

Eldon’s hand finds mine and I meet his eyes with a half smile, hoping to look less overwhelmed than I am, but I know he sees right through the attempt. Realization over what I just did is kicking in and the results of that are taking their toll on my body.

“Raven? Raven!” Mama appears before me a second later, tears filling her eyes with worry. Her hands clasp either side of my face as she tries to pull me in, but Eldon and Brax aren’t willing to let go. “My darling girl.” Tears fill her eyes but not a single drop falls down her cheek.

“How long have you known?” Abel demands, appearing behind her a moment later, and I shrug. Despite his earlier bullshit statement, which was something along the lines of, “You might hate me, but I love you more,” I still don’t trust him. Not one bit.

“Step back before I make you,” Brax bites, his hands dropping from my shoulders and grabbing at my waist as he pulls me back against him, effectively moving me far enough away from my mother that her hands fall dramatically at her sides.

Abel rolls his eyes, silently calling his threat worthless, but he doesn’t move closer as I expect him to. Instead, he wipes his hand down his face and glances out at the crowd as they hastily filter through the double doors.

“We should probably be doing the same,” Zane states, his shoulder brushing against mine as he steps into my right side.
