Page 32 of Cursed Shadows

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I honestly don’t know what the fuck I am, but I’m starting to like it.



Watching Raven adapt to Brax’s magic was unbelievable. When she asked to try the mirror magic with us again, I thought we would be taking much smaller steps than we already were. I could see the challenge in Brax’s eyes when he said to high-five her. Even that was pushing it, yet I should have known she’d smash it.

She’s incredible. Awe-inspiring. She’s Raven.

I can’t wait to see her weave my magic and control people’s minds like me. I want to see her do it all. To just be in the vicinity of her greatness is a gift; to watch her not even realize just how special she is makes it that much more memorable.

Glancing toward her, she’s already looking in my direction, a hint of concern on her face as we continue down the pathway to the main academy building. Our knuckles brush and I engulf her small hand in mine, squeezing with what I hope feels like reassurance to her. A soft smile spreads across her lips, and I grin back at her for a moment before focusing on the path ahead.

Students move around us, heading in the same direction, but the somber air is far more noticeable today. We’re pawns at the hands of the enemy, strung along like puppets and helpless to do anything other than what they say.

What causes me more stress is being in the presence of my father. Mynotso dead father. Even now, I can remember all the nights I would cry myself to sleep, desperate to dream about my father returning to us. I can say with absolute certainty that I never dreamt it like this.

He was never the enemy, and I was always filled with a sense of relief and love at his reappearance. The two things that are impossible to feel in his presence now. Now, I’m riddled with anger, deeper than what rooted me mere days ago, and it’s all raging at his existence.

I don’t know why it disappoints me, but there’s no avoiding it. Instead of letting him see how he turns my insides, I’m going with the more volatile approach and swallowing it all down.

Fuck him. Fuck Erikel. Fuck all of it.

“Are you okay?”

I glance down at Raven as she pulls me from my thoughts and nod. The way she quirks her eyebrow at me makes it very clear that my response isn’t quite up to par with what she’s looking for.

“I’ll be okay, Raven. With you by my side and the others here with us, nothing else matters.”

She nods as she purses her lips, aiming those bright blue eyes at me. “I don’t want you to bottle everything up, though. If you need to talk, please, just… don’t get trapped in your head with it all.”


She’s too damn sweet once you get the luxury of digging beneath her tough exterior.

“I won’t, I swear.”

The words slip from my lips before I can stop them, solidifying my trust in her, because there is no way in Hell I would make a promise to her and break it.



My spine stiffens at the sound of my name and my steps falter. Only for a split second, but I feel it enough to worry that it is noticeable to others. I consider continuing on, letting him go unheard, but the child in me can’t help but seek out those familiar onyx eyes.

My father.

He stands off to the left side of the double doors that lead into the academy building. His gold armor glares at everyone who passes, making the unspoken statement I assume it’s intended to.

“It’s your choice, man,” Eldon murmurs, coming to a stop behind Raven as Brax glances back over his shoulder at me. Zane remains plastered to Raven’s other side as I try to find the words.

It’snotmy choice. That’s the point. Making a big deal out of speaking to him will only bring Erikel amusement, revealing the sore spot my father now leaves on my soul, and they don’t deserve to see my weakness.

“I won’t be a minute,” I murmur, squeezing Raven’s hand one last time before I head off to the side. My father turns before I reach him, heading toward the same tree he lured me to last time.

When he comes to a stop, I make sure to keep a few inches between us as I glance around, surprised not to see Erikel and his men watching us like last time. It’s hard to decipher what is and isn’t a test right now, and I don’t want to be blindsided by my father’s proximity.

“I thought I said to keep your distance from the necromancer.”
