Page 41 of Cursed Shadows

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“It’s not your fault, Creed.” I mean every word. None of this is his fault. Not a single ounce, but the way he shakes his head tells me he thinks differently.

“How many are dead?” Brax sits on the coffee table as he looks at his friend, waiting for an answer.

“Too many, but in the mass were three Monarchs, and I think they were his targets.”

A knock sounds from the door, making my muscles lock up in surprise as I glare at the front door. “Why is someone knocking on our door?” I ask like anyone else here would have the answer.

Creed squeezes my hand again, defeat shining in his eyes as he stands, tucking his hands into his pockets.

“Because on top of all of that, I then got another unfortunate job,” he explains, and I remain frozen in place on the floor, staring up at him.

“What job?” Zane asks, but my heart already knows the answer. My magic can feel it beneath my skin and I’m already rising to my feet.

Creed’s eyes find mine, desperation consuming him, and despite the anger and frustration raging through my limbs, I smile. I stand by what I said. This isn’t his fault.

“It’s okay, Creed,” I breathe, and he shakes his head, fury blazing in his eyes.

“No, it’s not.” His voice cracks as emotion gets the better of him. I reach for his hand, squeezing, just like he does to me, but it doesn’t calm the storm in his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” Eldon asks, slightly agitated, and I sigh.

“He was sent to get me.”

Brax walks up front,Eldon a step behind, and I’m flanked by Creed and Zane on either side of me. My fingers crave the touch of them, to hold their hands or feel the weight of their arms around my shoulders, but I don’t want Erikel’s men to see me vulnerable.

Three of them guide us along the paths of the academy grounds. It’s not lost on me that they don’t opt to use a gateway, but I take the silence as a moment to gather myself and tamp down the fury raging inside of me.

It’s all bullshit.

All of it.

For them to have put Creed in such a position. To use him as a weapon against me… fuck. That will be worse on him than me because I see right through it.

None of us say a word as we’re led through the double doors heading into the main academy building. There’s no one around. No one to give me a hint of the kind of situation I’ll be walkinginto. I almost think that’s purposeful, but I don’t believe Erikel’s that smart, either.

Our footsteps thump along the marble floor are the only sound around us until we near the ballroom where all of this began. My heart stutters, the memory of that night fresh in my mind as the doors open to reveal what can only be described as Hell.

I keep moving, despite the horror drenching my veins in darkness, as a gasp falls from my lips.

Bodies. Bodies everywhere.Deadbodies.

They’re lined up, one by one, and I can’t help but count them.


Fuck. It’s not a complete massacre, but that’s still thirty-six innocent lives taken at the hands of Erikel’s order, and for what? Realm dominance?

It’s a mess, that’s for certain.

“Ah, please welcome the lovely Raven Hendrix.” Erikel’s voice is like poison, trying to bring me to my knees, but I would never let this fucker know. I don’t think anyone has ever described me as lovely before, and hearing it from him sounds so condescending. I want to correct him, but I manage to keep my mouth shut as I look at where he’s standing.

He’s on the small platform at the front of the hall, with two men seated facing him. I would have assumed they were actually here in person, but a slight flicker around their feet makes it clear they’re projections.

Blood stains Erikel’s fur coat. A fact I’m sure he’ll enjoy if pointed out to him, so I keep my lips tightly locked as we walk up the line of lifeless bodies.

“Raven is quite special. I’m not sure if you’re aware of her abilities or not,” he states, waving his hand toward me, and the projections turn my way. Two men dressed in Monarchy-issuedsuits, similar to what my father wears, but he’s not one of the men before me tonight.

The man closest to me fixes the glasses on the bridge of his nose as he assesses me while the other gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing quite noticeably.
