Page 43 of Cursed Shadows

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“Don’t you fucking dare,” I snap, wagging my finger at the pair of them. “I’m not going to bend every time you threaten to set this guy on someone important to me. Especially his own son.”

“But I think you will,” he taunts, his eyes darkening as he takes a step my way, but he’s not moving quicker than the warrior.

I can’t let him do this to me. I can’t let him treat me as a weapon again and again. I can’t have him use Creed’s father as a weapon against us too.

No. No. No.

I can’t breathe as rage clogs my throat, and my hands clench at my sides.

“Don’t let him see your magic, Raven.”

I stiffen, glancing around the room, but nothing signals that he’s here.


“Don’t let them see what else you can do. Not when I can’t get to you. You have to think logically.”

“How are you in my head right now, and how can you hear me?”I should be focusing on how close the warrior is getting, but I’m too stunned.

“Because you’re getting stronger, Raven. But right now, what matters is doing what you have to do to stay safe.”

“And you’re saying that’s to give in to him?”


“Fuck, why?”

The warrior’s sword drags along the floor, taunting, as adrenaline trickles down my spine.

“Because mirror magic is a rare attachment to being a necromancer. Letting him see that will only make you more useful to him.”

“I can’t keep jumping every time he tells me to,”I retort, clutching at straws when I know deep in my soul that he’s right.

“For now, you have to. Bide your time. His is running out.”


“You’re more powerful than him. Once you realize that and hone your skills, you’ll see it too.”

Impossible. I’m not made for this. I’m not made for any of it.

The golden warrior’s heavy footsteps vibrate beneath my feet as he lifts the sword toward his son. I glance at Creed, but he doesn’t move, staring his father down without a single ounce of fear in his eyes.


“Fine,” I bite. “Tell me who.”

Erikel claps slowly before pointing to the man I hadn’t realized was lying on the platform.

“Raven,” Zane warns, but I shake my head, looking deep into his eyes, hoping that I can convey enough emotion to show that I know what I’m doing, or I think I do. I’m trusting in Ari, he’s the one thing that makes sense among the rest of this madness.

I drop to my knees beside the clean-cut, suited man on the floor. To look at, you wouldn’t assume he was the leader of the soldiers. You would expect someone more rugged, bigger, muscular, but he’s none of those things.

My magic takes over, sensing its calling as my hands hover over the man’s chest. Darkness creeps in, hanging on for what feels like an eternity, to the point I’m sure there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. I feel light-headed, my body uncontrollably swaying from side to side as I try to keep my balance. It’s cold. So fucking cold.

“Raven,” Brax calls out, but I can’t respond. My magic is taking every ounce of energy from me, and I’m sure I’m on my way to certain death when the smallest flicker of light appears in my mind. Warmth slowly touches my fingertips, working its way up my arms and down my spine, and I manage a deep breath before I can no longer hold myself up, and I fall to the floor beside the body I can only hope is no longer dead.

“You should be proud of yourself, Raven,”Ari murmurs into my mind, barely audible above the pounding in my ears, and I sigh as my world turns completely black, with only one thought on my mind.
