Page 71 of Cursed Shadows

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“Are we still able to speak to our families in the booth?” Raven pushes, and I nod.

“No.” Lyra’s gaze drops back down to the parchment again.

“How come?” Raven asks, leaning forward to brace her palms on the desk.

Once again, Lyra frowns, deeper this time as she shakes her head. “I don’t know.”

“Are we able to generate a gateway to go and see them?” Eldon interjects, folding his arms over his chest, and Lyra shakes her head again, not even bothering to answer him verbally this time. “It was worth a try, at least,” Eldon mutters under his breath.

“Was it?” Lyra retorts, lips pursing as she stares at the parchment.

I part my lips to tell Raven this was obviously pointless, but not a single word comes out as I gape at Raven, thrusting her hand into the air. She tugs on what seems like nothing, her hand coiling around an invisible rope or something, and it takes a moment for me to connect the dots.

She has hold of Lyra’s magic.

Raven takes a few steps toward the administrator, going around the table to get closer to her, gasping as she continues to look down at her hand. I don’t know what I’m expecting my unpredictable Dove to do next, but the soft words that leave her mouth aren’t it.

“Lyra, are you okay?”

“No,” she blurts, clapping a hand over her mouth before she bursts into tears, sobbing uncontrollably into her hands.

What the fuck?

Raven gives her a moment, waving Creed closer as the rest of us keep a fair distance from the crying female. That’s not my area of expertise. Definitely not. When her cries calm a little and she swipes the tears from her face, Raven places her free hand on Lyra’s shoulder.

“Why, Lyra? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” she repeats, her face scrunching up in anger as the words seem to make her cry even harder again.

Raven tilts her head to look at Creed, and a conversation happens between the pair of them that doesn’t involve wordsbecause a second later, Raven is clutching something beside him too.

His magic.

“I’ll be gentle, Lyra. I promise.”

Eldon and I glance at each other out of the corner of our eyes, confused as fuck as we watch Lyra’s eyes fall closed and Raven's follow suit. All I can hear is the ringing of my pulse in my ears as silence descends over the room until Raven steps back with a gasp.

“Raven.” I can’t help but call her name, and she turns to look at me without hesitation.

“I saw into her mind, mirroring Creed’s magic. She was forced to do a lot of things but doesn’t know what because one of Erikel’s men seems to have put a blocker on her,” she explains, making my eyes widen in surprise. That definitely explains why she doesn’t know shit.

“How are we going to help her? Blockers can only be undone by those who set it, and that person isn’t here. Even if they were, I don’t imagine them aiding us,” Eldon states, and I nod in agreement.

Despite Eldon’s facts, Raven smiles. “That would be the case, but it seems Erikel’s men aren’t as clever as they think.” I’m about to ask why that is, but the second Raven drops both of her hands to her sides, releasing the magical strands, she turns to explain. “He was bragging to his friend that exact information before he put the blocker on her. So I know exactly what to do.”

She turns away with that while the rest of us stare at her with wide eyes, Lyra included. Raven crouches down before her, sandwiching one of her hands between both of hers. “Melody. My. Broken. Take. Dirty. Word. Final.”

A whoosh of orange floats from Lyra as she groans, her head tilting back to the ceiling, and I gape in horror.

What the fuck?

A moment later, she slumps in her seat, sagging against the cushion as she squeezes Raven’s hand. Her chest rises and falls as she pants and slowly blinks.

“Oh, my goodness. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” she chants, sitting up straight in her seat as she lets go of Raven to brush a loose tendril of hair back off her face. “For real, thank you,” she adds again, and Raven stands.

“It’s okay.”

“Honestly, I can’t explain how it feels to be trapped inside of yourself like that. I was here, but I wasn’t truly here. It was horrible. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” she rambles, and Raven simply smiles at her.
