Page 91 of Cursed Shadows

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We near the portals and Grave appears out of nowhere, standing firmly beside Leila. That’s when I realized that I haven’t seen Fitch. Which seems odd. He’s always protecting her or tearing her away from stuff like this. Why didn’t he interject while I was shaking her, either?

“Leila, where did your father disappear to?” I ask, glancing back over my shoulder at her.

“I don’t know. He was mad at seeing me with Grave. That’s why I was standing with him in the courtyard. He had been in the middle of berating me about my body and my sins when the siren rang.”

It still doesn’t make sense. There are so many layers to all of this. There’s no escaping the carnage.

Confused as hell, I step up to the gateway when it’s our turn to pass through. My heart is galloping uncontrollably as I feel the soft sand beneath my academy-issued shoes and a shudder runs down my spine.

I’ve been here once before at the hands of Sebastian.

The Bishops found me that time. Now they’re here with me. Talk about full circle.

Once the last people are through, the gateways disappear and everyone’s attention turns back to Erikel, who grins from ear to ear as he addresses us with his arms flung out wide. “We better move fast before the darkness comes.”



“Is this fool going to actually explain why we’re here?” Leila mutters under her breath, and I bite back the laugh that threatens my lips.

We’ve been walking across the sand for over an hour, leaving me to wonder why the fuck he didn’t have the gateway bring us closer to the cave I assume we're going to, but this isn’t my mission and I’m not about to ask. His fur coat stands out in the distance as we trail toward the back of the students, happy to keep as much distance as possible between us and him.

I’ve spotted a few professors among the crowd, but I haven’t seen Figgins or Fitch.

“I’m sure he’s leading us to our doom,” Grave grunts, and Creed hums in agreement.

I’m perfectly sandwiched between Brax and Eldon for a change as we all walk in a line. I don’t know what’s shifted, but apparently, there’s no need to protect me as much out here. Not that I’m complaining. I’m actually enjoying it.

We stumble in the sand as we head up the dunes, breathless by the time we get to the top, and that’s when the caves appear in the distance. From the sun beaming down from above to thegray skies that loom over the peaks, it definitely feels like we’re being led to our doom. Grave might be onto something there.

Everyone keeps moving, watching their step as we trail back down the sand dunes and, as predicted, Erikel doesn’t communicate anything further until the opening of the caves is directly behind him. From a distance, they didn’t look that big, but now that we’re up close, I’m left questioning whether the cave system could be bigger than the entire grounds of the academy.

We’re fucked.

My gut twists.

We’re going to have to head in there and my gut tells me we’re not coming out.

“Upon entering the caves, everyone’s priority is to look for a special jewel. It’s red, glistens like a ruby, with magic swirling inside the prism. You’ll know when you’ve found it. Whoever finds it will be granted their freedom and released from the academy.”

Chatter picks up at his words, excitement buzzing through the crowd as he offers everyone exactly what they want. The only issue with that is he’s not a man of his word. I don’t think he ever has been, and I don’t see this going any differently. He’s simply using us to find the Poten’s Ruby.

“The clock starts now, but hurry; danger may lurk inside.” He steps aside to stand with the golden warrior, watching in amusement as Silvercrest Academy students barge their way inside in the hopes of freedom awaiting them at their success.

Shadowgrim students follow after them, and we continue to lurk amid the masses at the back.

“I think our aim needs to be to find the ruby and destroy it,” I murmur as we enter the dark and grim cave system. The walls are damp, the dripping of water echoing in the distance, and coolness wraps around us, sinking deep into my bones.

“I agree,” Brax states. “He can’t have the ruby. We’ll never survive the rest of the night if he does.”

Fuck. That’s true.

“Do you remember anything about this?” I ask, tilting my face to Eldon’s, and he shakes his head.

“No. I remember hearing the water, but it was muffled, dampened by the rubies in the walls. If we can find that, we’ll be closer.”

Continuing through the cave system, we come to a small area that branches off in different directions. The majority of students are taking the two paths to the left, while a few go for the third trail. That draws me closer to the fourth and final pathway.
