Page 41 of Take A Chance

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Instead of being intimidated, he seemed to enjoy her anger, laughing. “Why not? Remember it’s non-negotiable.”

“I’ll take a quarter of that.”

“Three quarters,” he countered.

“Half,” she snapped back and too late she saw the triumph in his eyes.

“Perfect, just what I was hoping you would say. You need to get better at negotiating, but we can work on that.”

His smugness irked her. “Says the man who just negotiated a non-negotiable.”

He barked out another laugh, the deep sound startling her and when she saw the joy on his chiseled face, she nearly smiled in return.Nearly.

For the next hour they talked plans. He had someone coming to take pictures for the website and their social media.

“You can control all the social posts if you wish, or we can find someone who wants experience in media management and give them a trial run.”

“How would I manage that?” she asked, quizzically.

“With this,” he said, pushing a small box across the table to her. She opened it up and gasped when she pulled out a brand new cellphone.

“No, one hundred percent no. I can’t afford this!”

“You can on your new salary. But it’s been paid for, you’ll only have to pay for minutes.”

She eyed the device warily. She’d had an old school Nokia when she was a teenager but when it broke she was with Marcus and he wouldn’t let her get another one. This looked so sleek andexpensiveshe was worried about breaking it.

“I can’t accept this.”

“Look, you wanted to be in control. This way you control social media, the website once it’s built and you can approveinvoices on there. I even took the liberty of plugging in my number, your lowly volunteer,” he teased.

He took the device from her gently and switched it on. When the screen lit up, he turned it to face her. “If you want to contact me just open up this book thing here, tap my name and hit call or message or Facetime. Whatever you need, I’m here.”

She looked at the phone in wonder, his name on the screen. She tapped his profile and a picture of Will flooded the screen. His smile wide, his eyes bright and she struggled not to stare at the image. Forgetting she wasn’t alone, she ran her finger over the screen.

He cleared his throat, jolting her out of her daydream. “Moving on, we need to look for strategic partners, get some corporate sponsorships. Also contractors who can work with you on the development of the shelter. We need funding and lots of it which is where I come in. I have contacts, rich people who want to spend their money on good causes. They just need wooing first,” his mouth quirked up.

She shook her head. “I don’t know about that. I’m bad company.”

“Oh yeah, says who?”


“Well, I’ll be the judge of that. Luckily for you, I have someone to organize these kinds of things. Rich people love an event, so we’ll host a charity ball.”

Rebelle didn’t really understand how people dressing up raised funds but if it meant people with money gave the shelter money then she was down for that. They continued talking until it was time to leave. Will paid the check despite Rebelle’s protests and they left together, Ruby giving Rebelle a saucy wink as she did.

When they stepped out into the cool air, she watched as Will tipped his head back and looked at the sky. Her eyes slid downthe column of his throat, lingering on the dip below his Adam’s apple.

“Damn,” he said softly.

“What is it?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. Come on, my car is this way,” he said, stepping to the side and gesturing for her to take the lead.

“It’s okay, it’s a nice evening, I’ll walk.”

“It’ll be at least thirty minutes, no. Come with me,” he insisted.
