Page 114 of Sonata of Lies

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“What makes you think I’m lying to you?” I ask before shoveling another spoonful into my suddenly-dry mouth.

He studies me a bit more. I’m sure that subtle smirk of his is going to twist into something violent—maybe the steak knife next to his plate will get called into action to give me a matching brand—but then he just shrugs.

“Simply a hunch.” He pauses again, swirling the drink in his hand with subtle turns of his wrist. “You know, I’d hate to separate a mother from her child. Or children. We could bring yours here?—”


Everything in this room stops. I swear, even the clock stops ticking.

I fucked up.

And the evil grin that slowly spreads across his face confirms I played right into his hand.

“You see,umnitsa, I am a very powerful man. I have connections, spies, informants—whatever you want to call people who are too loyal to me to hide anything. Either I pay them very well for their information or they’re too terrified of me to try my patience. The difference is not so important.”

I set my spoon down. Suddenly, I’m no longer hungry. If what he says is true… if what he’s implying is real…

He not only knows about Willow—he knows how to find her.

Call his bluff. Do it.I have to keep my head on straight. I have to remind myself that we’re playing a very dangerous game here, and he’s holding all the cards. “Why does it matter either way?” I croak. “You don’t want some kid running around, getting in your way. A big, important man like you doesn’t have time for children.”

“I can see why you’d think that.”

“Do you have children?” I don’t know why I ask that. It flies out of my mouth without warning, but I’ll say anything to get his attention off mine.

Master slowly nods once. “I do.”

Interesting.I lick my suddenly-dry lips and try for a placating, but small, smile. “I can imagine you wouldn’t want them around this.”

“My children are grown.” He sighs again. For a moment, he looks almost wistful. “I did my best. As any parent could hope for. They didn’t turn out how I wanted, but it is what it is.”

“Did they know about your… um… ‘business dealings’?” I subtly gesture to myself. The fact that he has a fuckingbrandready to go suggests I’m not his first slave.

“Not in the most specific terms. Not until they were old enough to understand the delicate nature of the skin trade. But like I said: they didn’t take the paths I wanted them to.”

Translation: there’s a solid chance his grown kids aren’t complete fucking animals who buy and sell women like cattle. Children who—maybe, if they ever happen to visit their father—might actually help me.

Still, I need to know something for my more immediate future. “Have you ever thought about having more children?”

Master barks out a laugh. Then he looks at me a bit more thoughtfully, heat flooding his gaze. “Why do you ask? Eager to be bred?”

I try to hide the shudder of disgust. “Hardly. But whatever happens is going to happen, isn’t it?”

“That it is.” He smirks. “Which is why, for now, I’ve decided against finding your child, or children, to bring them with us. Now that you’ve planted the seed in my head,umnitsa, I’m imagining how delicious it will be to plant my seed in you.”


My head starts swimming. I’m already pregnant, so I’m not worried about carrying this monster’s baby… yet… but he’smaking it very clear that he’s going to do everything he can to make sure I do.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Martin took a similar route with me when I threatened to leave him.

Now, it’s my turn to smirk. My head is still feeling weird, but I’m also feeling a bit bolder. A bit braver. “How do you know you still can? You’re not exactly a spring chicken. You could be shooting blanks.”

His face suddenly darkens.Shit.But instead of lunging at me, he just watches me struggle through my growing haze. “Be mindful of that mouth,umnitsa. I don’t need to use duct tape to silence you.”

“And I have people looking for me. Cops. Detectives. Important people.”

It’s a slight bend of the truth, but not a total fabrication.
