Page 119 of Sonata of Lies

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I’m shocked as shit, but I mean it.

“Tell me a story?”

Kid knows how to keep me on my toes, that’s for damn sure.

“Alright.” I re-tuck her blanket around her and rub her back as she snuggles in. “But you have to close your eyes, okay?”



She smiles and closes her eyes. “Promise.”

“Okay.” I sigh and try to dredge up a story, any story, that doesn’t involve violence or blood or families being ripped limb from metaphorical or literal limb. Something finally surfaces from my childhood—and I’m even more shocked when I realize it’s a memory of my own father telling me a bedtime story.

An actuallygoodmemory of my father.

Probably the only one I have.

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain country?—”

“What doesthatmean?”

I sigh. “It’s how they start stories in Russia.”


I open my mouth to start the story again. “In a certain?—”

“But we’re not in Russia.”

Another sigh. I think I’ve signed up for far more than I bargained for. “Okay.Once upon a time,in a certain kingdom in a certain country, there lived and dwelt?—”

“What’s ‘dwelt’?”

Mental note: save the cleaning supplies and headache for the next prisoner I have to torment. Just make them try to tell Willow a bedtime story. They’ll spill within five minutes. “It means ‘to live in.’”

“But you already said that.”

“Well, it’s like the person is alive, and they live inside a house.”

“So why don’t you just say that?”

“Because that’s not how the story starts.”

“Your stories start weird.”

“Well, kid, here’s a plot twist: they end weird, too.”

Willow giggles. It’s that musical little sound that makes me smile rather than start cracking my knuckles in frustration.

“Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom in a certain country, alive and living inside a decently-priced cottage, was a princess.”

“Princesses don’t live in cottages.”

“They do if it’s tax season.”

Willow scrunches her face at me. “Huh?”
