Page 14 of Sonata of Lies

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I don’t realize I’m not paying attention, just staring at the cars, until I hear Demyen’s voice echo a few rows down. He’s standing next to a black Lexus LX 600, according to the emblem stamped on the back door.

“It’s got off-road capabilities and excellent gas mileage, but there’s a gallon stored in the back just in case.” Demyen smacks the side a few times as he walks around it, pointing out different features. “Safety lock custom installed, so no one can open the doors unless you want them to. There’s a gun stashed inside the headrest of the passenger seat—just use the knife stashed below the driver’s seat to rip the stitching. Or stab the guy, I don’t care.”

I try not to laugh at his dark joke. “Um, okay? But why are you telling me all this?”

Demyen circles back around and pops the back door open. “There are two safety kits stored in the spare wheel well, along with the wheel. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use them, but they have meal rations, foil blankets, and should last at least three days with the water filtration system?—”

“Dem.” I run a hand through my hair until my fingers tangle in the curls. “What’s going on?”

He leans against the opened door. “This is yours. I’m giving you a car.”

“Oh, no.” I blanche. “No. I can’t… Just, no.”

“Why not?”

I scoff. I must be dreaming. Yeah, that’s it. I’m still in his bed, it’s still dark out, I’m just fast asleep and dreaming about Demyen Zakrevsky giving me one of his luxury vehicles like it’s a stick of gum. “It’s… I’m not—I mean, I…” I take a deep breath. “Thank you. Really. But I can’t. I barely drove a tin can, and this… This isn’t even a car. It’s basically a tank!”

“If you want a tank, I’ll get you a tank.”

He waits a beat, then lowers himself into the backseat. I wait a beat of my own before I follow him in.

“Why are you doing this?” I blurt.

I cringe immediately.What ever happened to ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,’ dumbass?

I blame my trust issues. Good things never come without a price, in my experience.

Demyen picks at a piece of lint on the overhead lining. “I want you and Willow to be safe. And I promised you I’d never let anything happen to you. This is part of keeping that promise.”

I’m not going to cry.

I’m not going to cry.

I’m not going to cry.

His eyes meet mine. I’m almost taken aback by the intensity in them. “I need you to promise me, Clara: if shit goes down and someone, anyone, raids this place… promise me you’ll grab Willow and drive this thing as far the fuck away as you can.”

My breath is caught in my throat. “I promise. But…” I pick at my lip uncertainly. “How will you find us?”

Demyen grins. “There’s one more little secret. This thing is bugged, wired, tapped. I can hear it, see it, follow it. So there will be no escape plans hatching, got it?”

I roll my eyes with a dramatic sigh. “Why on earth would I want to escape? Everything I’ve ever wanted is right here.”

I scoot closer to him. We’re not exactly… Well, shit, I don’t know what we are. But he’s giving me a huge gift that has to do with more than just a luxury SUV built for war. I’ve got to give him something in return, to thank him.

So I lean forward and kiss his cheek. “Thank you,” I whisper softly.

I mean to pull away, but Demyen moves just enough for our brows to press together. And maybe that’s all he meant to do. But… I can’tnotpress my lips to his.


And again.

Demyen growls and threads a hand through my hair, deepening the kiss as he pulls.Fuck,it’s insane how quickly the man can take me from uncertainty to overwhelming need. And even though I’ve been aching all day from last night, I can already feel myself grow wet inside my panties.

It’s the way he touches me. The way he kisses me. Like he’s hungry and not just wanting me, butneedingme. Like I’m the only woman in the world who can give him exactly what he wants.

And God help me, I want to be that woman for him.
