Page 5 of Sonata of Lies

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She leans in closer to me. Maybe it’s the bourbon fueling her courage, maybe it’s the post-panic clarity. Whatever it is, it’s dangerously tempting.

“I’m on your side, Dem. Whether you believe me or not. Whether you like it or not. So it’s time to get used to the fact that we’re allies, not enemies.”

I swallow. She may be right; I’m just not going to tell her.

So instead, I lift my tumbler in agreement.



“Again, I cannot express how deeply sorry we are for the misunderstanding.”

The superintendent nervously twists a pen between her fingers. Even though she’s flanked by two of her administrators, it’s clear she’s terrified of us. Of what we could—should—do.


“‘Misunderstanding’ is such a dull way to describe terrifying a little girl and trying to get her mother arrested right in front of her.” Years of public diplomacy keeps my tone calm, though my blood is still fucking boiling.

“Again, I?—”

“You cost her the most important day of her life.” Clara’s voice is much softer than mine, but filled with every bit as much controlled fury as I’m feeling.Fuck, she’s giving me an erection at the worst possible time. “My little girl dreamed of her first day of school and there’s no making up for that. You can’t just rewind time and give her back the joy she should have felt.Instead, I had to spend the rest of the day explaining to my sobbing child why she couldn’t go to school. Why people who are supposed to protect her and her family made it impossible for her to start her education.”

With every sentence that comes out of her mouth, Clara leans forward more and her voice grows thornier. I don’t remember seeing Willow cry, but I’m also not going to challenge Clara’s word on it.

Sometimes, it’s best not to poke the mama bear.

The superintendent slowly holds her hands up in surrender. “Our full intention was and always has been to ensure the safety of our children. Which is why?—”

“Is there something wrong with your new security?” I lean back in my chair, gesturing to the men—mymen—patrolling the hallways outside the office.

She blinks. “Pardon?”

“Your new security. The tech, the guards, the whole new system Zakrevsky Industries installed into this academy and your affiliate locations in order to improve the safety and well-being of your children. Have there been any problems I should know about?”

One of the administrators nervously clears his throat. The superintendent thinks on it for a moment, then shakes her head. “No. Why?—”

“So when your guy saw my name on Willow’s contact list, you figured, what? That some other Demyen Zakrevsky must be driving the car?”

No one has anything to say. I’d be surprised if they could justify what had to be the most ludicrous acts of misjudgment I’ve seen in a long while.

I’m not a private person by any means—part of having a solid cover for the Bratva involves being one of Vegas’ most respected corporate executives. There’s no man, woman, or reading-age child who hasn’t seen my face plastered on a newspaper or posted in a local news alert about one merger or another.

“Here’s what’s going to happen,” I grit out. “Everything set up with the security personnel and tech systems will remain in place.” I pause, enjoying how they’re hanging on every word, waiting in terror to see if I’m going to rescind my generous donation I made the day I took Willow in for her admissions review. “As will the scholarship contribution made on behalf of Zakrevsky Industries.”

Everyone but Clara visibly relaxes and breathes a collective sigh of relief. She, however, side-eyes me with curiosity.

Just wait, my impatient minx.I’m getting there.

“There will, however, be a thorough investigation into this institution’s financial books, personnel, and operations.”

The superintendent composes herself and straightens the sleeves of her blazer, trying to gain back some shred of authority. Too bad she doesn’t stand a fucking chance. “Mr. Zakrevsky, I don’t think?—”

“You’re absolutely right about that: you don’t think. Youdidn’tthink. If you had, we wouldn’t be sitting here, discussing the measures we are willing to take in order to protect our child and the children of this school.”

She furrows her brow above a fake smile. “I’m sorry. I feel as if I misunderstood something. Are you Willow’s father?”

I shove down the internal voice that wants to shout to the whole damn world that Willow is my little girl. The fact that I even feel that urge is deeply unnerving. “I don’t think you have the fucking right to ask me that question.” I pause, then plaster on a beaming CEO face and say, “Besides—I’m merely a businessman protecting my investments. Children are our future, aren’t they?”
