Page 17 of Fake Fiancé Cowboy

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I tried to listen as he described the meticulous steps he took to restore the window to its former glory. I was nodding off, popping my eyes open anytime he asked me to admire some of his work. From sanding and varnishing to carefully fitting the glass, Christian's hands mirrored the passion he felt for the ranch's revival.

"I found this amazing antique latch that fits perfectly," he continued, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "It's the small details that make all the difference, you know?" I nodded, but just couldn’t keep my eyes open. I quickly fell asleep. I heard him walk over and cover me up.

I slowly stirred on the comfortable couch. Memories of the previous day's events flashed through my mind, but the warm surroundings and the familiar scent of home reassured me. I stretched and yawned, glancing around to find Sparky still curled up beside me.

Rising from the couch, I followed the enticing aroma that wafted from the kitchen. There, I found Christian in the midst of preparing dinner.

"Good afternoon," he greeted, turning to smile at me.

"Hi," I replied, feeling a mixture of contentment and curiosity. "What are you making?"

His smile widened as he continued stirring a pot on the stove. "Chicken and dumplings. It's one of my specialties."

My stomach grumbled in response to the delicious scent. "It smells amazing."

Christian turned off the stove and approached me. "I thought it would be nice to cook something comforting for you."

I couldn't help but smile, moved by his thoughtfulness. "That's really sweet of you."

Christian reached out, his fingers gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "You deserve it, Casey."

I couldn't deny the warmth I felt in Christian's presence. The events of the past day had brought us closer, and I was starting to realize that I wasn't alone in this journey to rediscover myself. With him by my side, it felt like there was hope for brighter days ahead. This might turn into a real engagement.

The sky outside had grown ominously dark, and the rumble of thunder filled the air as Christian and I sat down to dinner. We shared the chicken and dumplings he had prepared, the savory flavors warming our hearts.

As we finished our meal, the rain began to fall in a relentless downpour. The thunder roared louder, and flashes of lightning illuminated the room, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The storm had arrived with all its might.

Christian glanced out the window and then back at me. "Looks like we're in for a wild night," he said, a hint of excitement in his eyes. “I’m glad Brett and I fixed that leak.” He looked over the ceiling and nodded, proud of his work.

I smiled, feeling a newfound sense of comfort in his presence. "Yeah, it's a good thing I'm not driving back to the rental in this weather."

With the storm raging outside, we decided to return to the cozy couch. Christian gathered an assortment of blankets and pillows, creating a warm and inviting nest for us to snuggle into. We settled in, the sound of rain pelting against the windows creating a soothing backdrop to our conversation.

As we talked and laughed, I found myself leaning closer to Christian. He put his arm around me, and I nestled into his side. The steady rhythm of the storm outside and the warmth of his embrace made me feel safe and cherished.

"Maybe this storm isn't so bad after all," Christian mused, his voice soft.

I looked up at him, our eyes meeting, and I realized that sometimes, the most unexpected moments could bring people closer together.

I slowly leaned up and kissed him, soft on the lips. I couldn’t stop. I continued kissing him, pulling his lips in my mouth and running my tongue across his lips. He pushed me back and stood up.

“Are you okay?” He looked down at me, panting.

“Please, Christian.” I looked up at him.

He quickly laid down over me, kissing me and planting his lips over my neck. I moaned, tilting my head back to give him more access. I felt a slight dizzy spell, so I stopped and took a deep breath. He noticed and backed away.

“No,” I pulled him closer. “I’m okay.”

He grinned and gently pushed me down on my back on the couch. The clouds of blankets and pillows created a comfortable shield from the world.

In one quick maneuver, Christian squatted down and swooped my shorts and panties off in a swift motion. Before I knew it, he had leaned down and wrapped his tongue around my clit.

I cried out, loving his unexpected touch. I held his head closer to my groin, grinding on his face and moaning loudly. I didn’t have to be quiet this time. The louder I was, the more excited Christian got.

He picked up the pace, going faster and faster. I started breathing harder. I looked up at the ceiling and focused on the ball of pleasure forming in my stomach and traveling down my groin.

“Oh, Christian.” I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled tight as I came hard. My legs shook around his head and reacted to his tongue flicks. My body jerked with his tongue as he slowly moved it around my hole. I moaned loudly and collapsed. I melted into the couch, panting and smiling. I looked up and Christian looked as happy as I did. I chuckled and closed my eyes, resting and letting the shakes of the orgasm run through me.
