Page 49 of The White Witch

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“Oh boy, it looks like you get to give them all the good news,” Stephanie said, laughing at the disgusted look on Kit’s face.

“Wonderful,” Kit drawled.


Early hours of the morning had arrived when they returned to The White Witch. She greeted them with a joyous blast and then turned all the lights off.

“I think she’s telling us it’s bedtime.” Stephanie laughed.

“Yes, she appears quite adamant about that,” Kit agreed.

“Is she suddenly more assertive?”

“Oh yes. I’m wondering if she sucked up a little of Wollscombe’s personality. The White Witch’s stubbornness has reached a new level. She certainly is growing her character lately.”

“Are we going to live here, Kit?”

“Of course. Or were you thinking of somewhere different?” Kit sounded uncertain to Stephanie.

“Well, with CeeCee being sent to find Wollscombe, I didn’t know if you wanted us to live there.”

“No, Wollscombe has always been Lucian’s. It was never intended to be my family home. There had been talk of us all buying manors or something, but I’m happy here,” Kit said.

“If you’d lived here in your time, you’d have been looked down upon,” Stephanie mused as they climbed the stairs.

“Yes, even shunned by society. While nobility can avoid consequences for many actions, being a full-time innkeeper was frowned upon. It was fine to own inns as they were businesses, but to run them? That was a no.”

“Do we have to be nobility?” Stephanie asked.

“It doesn’t matter either way to me, but the point is, I am. My father was an earl, and my brother is an earl. I may hold the title Honourable, but I am still a peer of the realm.”

Stephanie opened the door and stopped.

On her bed was a package.

“Did you place that there?” she asked, filled with confusion.


Kit moved her to one side and approached carefully. When he saw no danger, he unwrapped it and found a letter. He opened it up and began reading. At the end, he was laughing as he handed it to her.

“What is it?” Stephanie inquired.

“Lucifer,” was all Kit said.

Stephanie took the letter and read it. Her lips curved into a smile as she shook her head.

“Dear Christopher and Stephanie,

I have one last gift to award you, although Stephanie may not appreciate it. In order for the plan to succeed, you must be visible and not as a mere Honourable. There are many titles that are dormant. It is rather easy for me to arrange things to suit myself and the needs of the world.

Forgive me, but you are now Lord Christopher Norton, Viscount Oldham. The title was once linked to your lineage and was separated. It has now been restored. The title comes with a manor house not far from The White Witch, and the fortune that the crown took has also been returned. I think the king has enough money, don’t you?

Use your influence well, Viscount Oldham, and enjoy your life. Who knows what surprises lie ahead?

Stephanie turned puce and then pale.

“Lucifer!” she howled. “He made us peers? Lords and ladies? I take back everything nice I said about him! Why would he do this?”
