Page 49 of Forbidden Captor

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Some of the mafiosos clapped, while Lane was completely silent. It was like I could feel him getting even more distant. His anger only served to make me more willing to shoot at him later.

I continued. “The sun doesn’t rise without you, and the birds can’t sing when you’re gone.”

Large tears rolled down Emma’s face, and I knew she was happy. It didn’t how we got married, we were going to be together anyway.

Lane came up and almost stopped me. “And if anyone thinks these two shouldn’t be wed in lawful matrimony,” he said, “now’s the time to stand up or forever hold your peace.”

To his chagrin, no one spoke up and Emma, being Emma, gave her father a big kiss. “It’s my turn to exchange vows, Daddy.”

I could hear the dissension in her voice, the fact that she didn’t care what her father thought, and the fact that she was going to be happy with me.

“Jack,” she started. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Ever since I met you, life has been better, and I hope it keeps going that way. I can’t wait for the next adventure.”

She looked me in the eye, and I knew she wanted to escape with me. We weren’t going to be held captive by her father much longer, and no one else would ever keep us apart. The time was getting closer. Emma gave me the knowing look that came with being ready to go.We’re going to get out of here, baby.

With all eyes on us, including those of Frank King, who was known to explode at any moment, Emma and I had to put on a show. Lane seemed thrilled that we were both “faking” it. The truth was that we were, even if we were being told what to do. Of course, it was difficultnotto be happy with the woman of my dreams. There was only one serious issue—if we didn’t escape, we’d probably get killed by her father. At least, I would. Lane wouldn’t want anyone thinking that I could just get away with bagging his daughter for my own. The fact that we were marrying was just a show, one that he controlled.

“You may kiss as husband and bride,” said the wedding officiator. There was a lot that had been said, and there was much love exchanged. Regardless, I felt like both Emma and I were holding back.

Emma’s lips touched mine, her strawberry flavored kisses gentle and sweet. I made sure that Lane got a great view, because I wanted him to know that I wasn’t going to let his daughter go for a long, long time. Some people cheered and Lane looked miserable. Karen was sitting down on the other side of the crowd, and she looked equally depressed. I could see Frank King, eyes glazed over, just staring at us. Out of another corner, I could see Braden, who was eyeing me with much scrutiny.

At that moment, a big band started playing an old Count Basie tune that I loved. The swing music was slow and gentle, so as to make our first dance quite easy.

Emma whispered in my ear, “My father is furious.”.

I smiled. “Good, he better be.”

She chuckled and I was happy. I kept my eyes peeled, but all I saw were mafiosos dancing. Even the violent need a break from the pain of everyday life. Soon, drinks were brought out, and many guests started to enjoy themselves without regard for responsibility. My plan was working perfectly. They’d would be too debilitated to do anything once they got drunk enough. All I had to was make it another hour or so. Our first dance went off without a hitch, when I heard Frank shout out. “A toast, to the newlyweds!”

At that moment,Braden Reed also got up. “Hear, hear!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the anxiety in Emma’s eyes. If the speeches went on too long, we risked everything.



Time had come to a complete stop.

I saw my father out of the corner of my eye. He looked like he would rather be anywhere else, and I wondered what was going on with the two mafias.

Braden and Frank both acted as if they were good friends, and I had never seen a bigger display of lies than those two acting like they were getting along.

Frank was the worst. He said many things, namely that he would do anything for Braden Reed. There was also the mention of my baby.

“And once the little one is born,” Frank was saying. “We’ll be united in your marriage. Your child is a representative of both mafias.” He raised his glass and spilled about half of it down his front when he went to drink, to raucous laughter.

“What a slob,” I whispered to Jack. Jack didn’t say a word. He was looking at my father.“It’s still early, what do we do?”

It felt like everything was about to come to a head, and I didn’t want Frank to go crazy on us at the moment. I just wanted to get out of there. The speeches were still going on. This time it was one of the guards, who was so drunk I could barelyt understand him. The men laughed like seagulls, obnoxious laughter that made me feel the guttural violence that these men exuded. I wanted no part in it. I looked at Jack. Neither did he.

“We’ll have to do this now,” he said. He got up and so did I.

We were lucky that no one seemed to notice or care that we had gotten up. Even my father seemed unaware that we had been gone. I slipped towards the pool house and saw Jack heading back the wrong way.What’s he doing?

I almost followed Jack but then thought twice of it.He needs me to do my part.Jack and I had agreed to meet up along the outer wall, using a predetermined route. I had to get to our meeting place, but then I saw Jack’s figure along a high wall.

He was aiming at someone.
