Page 10 of Emir

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“Ciara…,” I groan out her name, unable to believe this is really happening. She makes quick work of my boxers, freeing my cock from its confines.

Her mouth closes around the head, sucking gently at first before taking more of me inside in one deep stroke that makes me gasp, her tongue swirls around the head, tasting me, driving me wild. Her hand begins to pump in time with her mouth, and I know I won’t be able to last much longer. My shoulders tremble as I hold onto the countertop for support, mind clouded with lust. She looks at me through hooded eyes, seeing the desire she stirs within me. With one final pull-out, she stands and straddles me, slowly sinking down onto my aching hardness.

The feeling of her warm, tight pussy engulfing me is indescribable. I help her move up and down, watching every inch of her gorgeous body ripple with sensations. We both moan in unison as we find our rhythm, our bodies meeting in an erotic dance that leaves us both shaking and breathless. I lean forward to kiss her deeply, our tongues dueling as I push deeper inside her, my hands finding her plump ass cheeks. She tastes of the ocean and the cocktail we had earlier, and it only serves to further fuel my desire.

Our lovemaking is raw and intense, a mixture of pain and pleasure that only intensifies our connection. We move together, lost in the moment, as we find new ways to please each other. Her nails rake along my back, and I bite down on my lip to stifle my cries of pleasure. She looks at me, her eyes filled with lust and love, hands moving to my shoulders, digging into my skin. It’s a beautiful sight, seeing her lose herself so completely to me.

After hours of loving each other’s bodies, we finally collapse onto the bed, panting heavily. Skin flushed and sticky with sweat, we hold each other close, our hearts racing in unison. I smile down at her, my eyes trailing from her lips, down her perfect curves, and landing on her full chest.

“You’re fucking incredible,” I whisper, running my fingers against her supple skin. She laughs softly , her breath hot against my neck.

“I’ve never known such intensity before.”

We spend the rest of the day like this, cuddled up on the beach, watching the waves crash against the shore and enjoying the warmth of the sun on our skin. Every now and then, we steal a kiss or nibble on each other’s ears, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies again. The wind carries the salty scent of the ocean intoxicatingly, and I swear I can feel the sand beneath us.

As the sun sets skin. We dry off together, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies as if it’s the only thing we know how to do. We dress casually, both of us hungry after our marathon lovemaking session, and head out to dinner at the small seafood place by the harbor.

The scent of fresh fish fills the air as we walk hand in hand towards the restaurant. The locals give us curious glances, but don’t dare bother us. They know better. Emir, the infamous mobster, has found his match in Ciara Johnson, and they aren’t about to disrupt that.

Inside, the dim lighting and soft music create an intimate atmosphere. We order way too much food, laughing as we try to figure out what to do with our hands. Eventually, we settle on holding them across the table between bites of pasta and fish.

The night is still young, but we both know there’s nowhere else we’d rather be than in each other’s arms.



Back at the villa, Emir surprises me with a candlelit bubble bath. The room fills with the sweet scent of vanilla and jasmine as the water overflows with bubbles. He helps me undress, my breath hitching at the sight of him removing his shirt. We sink into the warm water, our bodies pressed against each other like magnets drawn together.

I lean back against him, the heat of his chest against my cool, damp skin thrilling me as I sigh contently. “This is heaven,” I murmur, my fingers tracing light patterns on his chest.

He chuckles and nips my earlobe playfully, sending shivers down my spine. “I thought you’d like it.”

We spend hours in there, feeding each other bites of food, sips of wine, and endless looks of adoration. The water becomes tepid, but we don’t care. We’re too lost in each other to notice the passing of time.

Finally, we rinse off and climb into bed, our limbs intertwined like two vines seeking support from one another. We fall asleep with Emir’s arms wrapped around me, my head nestled in the crook of his neck.

In the morning, I wake up to the smell of coffee brewing and the sight of Emir’s broad, naked chest. His silver eyes peer down at me as he smirks softly. “Morning, beautiful,” he says, his voice rough from sleep.

I stretch lazily, rubbing my bare back against his hardness. “Good morning,” I breathe, my voice husky.

He chuckles and leans down to kiss me, his warm lips lingering on mine as he trails his hands down my sides. “I’ve got some breakfast waiting for you,” he says, a teasing glint in his eyes.

The kitchen smells divine, and I follow my nose to find him standing over a stove, cooking eggs and bacon. He turns to face me, a teasing grin on his face. “Sit,” he commands gently, gesturing towards the barstool at the island.

As I sit, he serves up our food, placing it in front of us. We eat in a comfortable silence, savoring every bite. Emir feeds me bites of food, his fingers brushing against my lips seductively. The taste of him, the saltiness of his skin, mixes with the breakfast, sending shockwaves through my system.

Afterwards, we decide to take a walk along the beach, hand in hand. The sand tickling my toes and cooling my feet as we stroll along the shore. Emir holds me close, his rough hands running through my hair, his breath hot against my neck as he whispers soft nothings in my ear.

Later that night, he surprises me with a home-cooked meal, his delicate touch contrasting with his rough exterior. He feeds me forkfuls of pasta, our fingers entwined as we share bites of garlic bread. Conversation flows effortlessly between us like a sweet melody.

Before bed, we share a glass of whiskey by the fireplace, the warmth of the fire reflecting in our eyes. We gaze at each other for what feels like hours, neither making the first move. Eventually, I lean in closer and seal the deal with a gentle kiss, feeling his stubble scratch against my skin.

We make our way upstairs, undressing each other slowly, taking in every inch of our partner’s body, before falling into a passionate embrace. Their lips are eager and demanding against mine, their fingers trailing down my back, finding the most sensitive areas, their hips grinding against mine rhythmically.

Our lovemaking is intense and primal, fueled by lust and desire. They taste like sin, and everything I never knew I wanted. We fall asleep in each other’s arms, content and satiated.

* * *
