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Time Until the Eclipse: 12 Days

Liana had gone back to her room to take a shower and take time to herself after we’d excused ourselves from the brothers’ reunion. I knew I was meeting with Abi and Grant in a few hours so we could train. We were working with faeries again, though if I was being honest, I hadn’t paid too much attention when Grant had dismissed us yesterday. My mind was scattered already, and Fenris’s absence had only made it worse.

I had some time for research before our meeting, so I went to the library to grab one of the large tomes with a hearty section on faefolk before heading back out of the patio to do some reading. Even if it was the moon that heightened my magical power, I was still a Florida girl at heart—I loved the sun, and there was something so relaxing about the smell of an old book, mingling with the fresh, gentle breeze rolling up from the ocean only a few yards away.

I was so engrossed in the chapter I was reading that I barely registered the sound of the patio door opening a moment later. I blinked, barely tearing my eyes away from the description of a specific type of nymph and how you’d be able to differentiate it from a human as it tried to disguise itself, when Fenris suddenly swooped into my line of vision, sealing a kiss over my lips.

The gasp escaped without my say so, and I could feel him grin against my mouth before he pushed his tongue into mine, deepening the kiss. I gripped the chair’s arm with one hand, barely remembering to grab the book before it fell off my lap. My mind reeled, heat flooding in my gut. Fenris had kept a close lid on his emotions when I’d left him to talk with Lyka, and now all of that pent-up feeling was bubbling out—not that I minded. I smiled back, crooning softly into the kiss before I drew back just enough to inhale, feeling breathless.

“Did everything go okay?” I asked, not wanting to assume. I’d done my best to ignore our bond entirely, not wanting to invade the sanctity of the moment.

Fenris offered a bright, open smile as he sat down. It was gone in a moment, replaced by his normal, if not smug expression, but even this was miles away from the man I’d first met in the Challenger Learning Center.

“Okay would be a severe understatement,” he said with a rumble and a cheeky expression. “I never dreamed I’d be able to speak to my brother again in any meaningful way, especially not after Sabine’s attack a few weeks ago. To be able to truly speak to him…” He trailed off and shook his head. “I cannot begin to explain what a gift you’ve given me,khuya.”

I glanced down at the book I’d been reading. “He’s not fully healed or anything,” I said sheepishly. “I really do think Liana’s presence…gave him a jump start, for a lack of a more technical term. I’m not exactly a fully trained healer here. But he went through a lot of trauma, psychic and otherwise. Even withLiana’s presence, I assume it will take a long time for Lyka to really heal.”

“You give yourself too little credit,” Fenris said, reaching out to grab my knee and give a comforting squeeze. “We would still believe that Sela was his fated mate if not for your investigation. Even then, I had no interest in finding anyone before the eclipse, and you proved me wrong yet again. Even if Lyka isn’t stable enough to leave his holding chamber, just having the ability to talk to my brother again before we must face the Solar Sovereign is……” He stopped himself, but his expression was undeniably fond. “When the eclipse is over, Celeste, I will give you the entire world.”

My heart skipped a beat, and I swallowed hard.If only,I thought.I would give anything for that…except for you, Fenris. I’ll never give up on you.

Instead, I said, “Hey, what time is it? I was supposed to meet Abi and Grant at 11 to train today.”

Fenris glanced down at his understated watch. “You better get going, then,” he said. “Do you think you can get yourself ready in fifteen minutes? Or were you planning on sparring in that cute set of shorts?”

I gave him a playful swat as I stood. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” I added an extra swing to my step as I pivoted to take myself back inside. I didn’t have the time to run back to the library, so the book came with me. I deposited it on the bed before I headed over to the walk-in closet. Fenris followed me the entire time, no more than a few steps behind.

I slipped out of my blouse and bra, reaching to grab a sports bra and a more practical tank top for my workout. Fenris grinned, moving with his shifter speed to grab me by the bare hip. His other hand cupped my breast, rolling my pert nipple between his finger and thumb as I gasped, already squirming from that stimulation.

“Fenris!” I squealed, pulling away—though I didn’t exactly struggle—when he leaned in to kiss me. “I’m going to be late,” I said against his lips.

“So, go,” he said, offering a cheeky smile. “I’m just reminding you what will be waiting for you later.”

“You are an absolute menace,” I said, but I finished changing into a decent outfit for the occasion. “And I will pay you back later.”

Thankfully, I wasn’t late to my meeting, though Grant, Abi, and her entire entourage had already gathered in the clearing. I bumped my shoulder against hers. “Are we putting on a show?” I asked, nodding at the vampire twins and Cody.

She nudged me right back. “Are you really one to talk? You brought Tall, Dark, and Brooding with you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Uh-huh, but I didn’t bring his brother and…I dunno, whatever we’re calling Cody. Wingman?”

Abi laughed. “For once, I am totally, happilynoton the market. No wingman needed here.”

Before I could respond, Grant cleared his throat, demanding our attention. He didn’t talk that much; he was simply the man who demanded respect with his presence alone. He was tall, and more than that, bulky. He looked like he could have been a lumberjack or a bouncer in a past life, as he was usually dressed in denim and plaid, despite the tropical temperatures. His graying hair was pulled back in a short ponytail away from his face. Those muddy brown eyes always looked judgmental to me, but he never said anything particularly unkind.

“We’re going to review vampiric attacks today,” Grant announced, folding his arms over his chest. “Specifically, any type of attack they can use their enhanced speed for.”

“Hey, what?” I frowned. “I thought we were dealing with Unseelie stuff today.”

There was a twinkle in Grant’s dark eyes. “You think your enemies wait for you to study up, Celeste?” Leaving me taken aback, he glanced over at our audience. “Okay, peanut gallery. Who volunteers to spar?”

Gilbert was on his feet in a flash. “I will spar with Abi,” he said.

Piers gave a dramatic roll of his eyes. “Don’t you think that’s a bit unfair? Yousparwith her naked every night, brother.”

I glanced over at Fenris. Instead of watching the vampires, he was staring at me, his expression growing smug as my blush deepened. I was aware that Grant was speaking when Gilbert walked over, and that I should be listening, but it was hard to stop thinking about how Fenris had teased my nipples only a few minutes earlier. The promise of attention later wouldn’t give me any peace.

“You know, you talk an awful lot of smack,” Abi said loudly. I blinked and glanced back, only to see my friend put her hands on her hips. “If we’re sparring, why don’t you partner with me?”
