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Before I could sink too much deeper into dark thoughts, Cody suddenly blurted, “You know, Morgan, I totally whomped Piers earlier. You don’t need all those fancy tricks to break up a vampire.”

I sighed.

“Well, no…” Morgan said slowly, glancing at Piers, who simply rolled his eyes. “I suppose not. But not all us can, um…whomp. It is good to understand the nature of who you’re working against…or working with.” She glanced over to where Abi and Gilbert sat and smiled shyly before looking down at her plate.

Cody’s expression fell, but Piers’s dark brown eyes gleamed as he studied Morgan and Cody. He leaned forward suddenly, offering Morgan one of his most charming smiles. “You are quite right, my dear,” he crooned. “And our friend Cody here only got the better of me after the match was already called.” He paused as Cody bristled. “I have met a few Thalassa witches over the years, and I must say, you are truly the most well-learned of them. I can’t even imagine the dedication that must take.”

“Oh!” Morgan said, pink spreading across her cheeks. “Well, thank you,” She shifted a little in her seat, but was smiling. “I just really like to learn…and I’m glad I’m able to apply myself in a way that’s useful to my coven. And the Lunar Lord, too,” she said as she looked over to Fenris. When he nodded to her, she didn’t jump this time.

I was glad she’d gotten used to Fenris’s presence, but I didn’t love the direction Piers was going in. Every other shifter in the room felt how aggravated Cody was watching Piers flirt shamelessly with Morgan. Hell, I bet even Abi and Grant could feel it, and they were human.

“To learn is a wonderful gift,” Piers said. “You know, we were in Romania not that long ago, and this charming faerie taught me such an interesting trick, you see, though it’s not one for the dinner table. We could—”

He didn’t get to finish his offer. Not only had Morgan turned beet-red, but a snarl ripped free from Cody. I tensed, half-expecting him to vault over the table and tear Piers apart.

“That’s enough,” Fenris said, looking more annoyed than truly aggravated. He looked between the two before settling on Piers. “Stop. The last thing I need is a fight between a vampire and a shifter in my home.”

“Why….?” Morgan began, but stopped herself and looked back to her dinner instead.

A strange mood blanketed the group before Walter stood. “I made brownies for dessert,” he said.

Everyone brightened at once, and I smiled as I watched him go.I better clue Morgan in, or she’ll be the only one on the island missing out.In a way, it was already true…and that wasn’t fair to the other witch at all.

I gathered Abi and Liana after dinner, and it wasn’t hard to track Morgan down. She was in the library, as usual, smiling when we joined her in the corner with some sitting chairs and tables.

“So!” Abi chirped. “What do you think of Cody?”

“W-what?” Morgan stuttered as she slammed her book shut.

I gave Abi a nudge. “I think we skipped a few steps here. Morgan, this is my friend, Liana Edgington. She’s staying on the island until the eclipse.” I stepped to the side so Liana and Morgan could shake hands, murmuring shy greetings. “Liana, this is Morgan Fletcher. She’s a Thalassa witch, and she’s Val’s niece. She’s also an expert researcher.”

“Wow,” Liana said, her eyes bright while she found a chair. “I used to think I was crazy for believing in magic, and now I’ve met, what, three witches already?” She shook her head. “I’d love to hear what you’re reading.”

“Of course!” Morgan said, grinning. “It’s actually a primer on—”

“Now, ladies,” Abi cut in, her hands on her hips. “I’m sure book club is interesting and all, but I’ve got a timetable here.” Her eyes trained on Morgan. “So…Cody King. Thoughts?”

Morgan blinked. “Well, the Carmel Valley Pack is respectable, and it’s obvious that the Lunar Lord trusts him. I’m sure he’s a capable shifter and a good ally.”

Abi rolled her eyes dramatically. “I’m not asking for a book report. What do youreallythink of him? Like, do you think he’s cute? Pretty eyes? Nice ass?”

Morgan drew a sharp breath, and I sighed before rephrasing Abi’s question. “Hypothetically, if you were to find the type of love everyone writes about in fairy tales and romance novels, does Cody fit the bill of the person in your story?”

The young witch blushed as deeply as when Piers had propositioned her earlier, then cleared her throat. “Celeste, are you performing a Handmaiden mind-reading spell right now?” she stammered, unable to look me in the eye. “Because it’s rather rude to pry into someone else’s fantasies.”

Abi laughed loudly even as my eyes went wide. “I am not…but now I definitely want to know!”

Abi nodded, crowding in.

Morgan looked even more flustered and glanced at Liana like she might be able to help, but the blonde just gave Morgan a sympathetic look. “Sorry,” Liana said with a giggle. “Abi has always been like this when she’s curious.”

After a deep sigh, Morgan regained her composure. “Cody seems like a well-meaning person,” she said. “He’s sweet andseems like he’d be a lot of fun…and I’ve never been this attracted to anyone else before…but he’s a hot shifter, and an alpha! I’m sure he has plenty to pick from in his home pack, or wherever else he goes. I’m just a nerdy witch. I don’t think this will ever go anywhere, especially once this is all over and he heads back to California. He’ll forget he ever met me.”

“Oh, I don’t think he’s ever going to forget you,” Abi said, shaking her head. “I think you should talk to poor Cody about how you feel. You might be pleasantly surprised.” Her grin widened. “And you’re right: wolf shifters arehot. All those muscles, and they’re so strong. They can hold you up against anything and go for hours. Or, you can hold them off for hours!”

Poor Morgan looked like she might melt on the spot, but I raised an eyebrow at my friend. “And how would you know what sex with a wolf shifter is like, Abi?”

She shrugged. “I have an imagination, Celeste,” she said. “Plus, I have good sex with a vampire. I can’t imagine it’s that different, just less hairy.”
