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“Of course. Would you like breakfast?”

“Not yet. Thank you, Walter.”

After topping off my coffee, I headed to my office to check any messages that came in overnight from international allies. I’d gathered contacts in every corner of the globe over the centuries, and it was truly a big help in times like this.

I heard some chatter as I wrapped up, and as I headed back out of my office, I smiled when I saw the exact pair of vampires I was hoping to see. “Piers. Gilbert. I have a task for you.”

Gilbert said nothing, but Piers looked chagrined. “Oh, but I was just about to go tosleep, Fenris.”

I rolled my eyes. “You can sleep on the plane. There are three recently turned vampires causing havoc in Rosario, and I need them subdued.”

Piers’s expression brightened at once. “Well, you should have said you were sending us to Argentina! I love Argentina,” he gushed. “This will be fun.”

“There’s nothing fun about rogue vampires,” Gilbert intoned, looking much more serious. I knew he was loath to leave the island when he’d only just gotten back, but putting out these little fires was vital in the lead-up to the eclipse.

“Mhm,” I said. “Go see Walter. He has your transportation arranged.”

“Delightful,” Piers said, giving his brother a nudge. “Oh, do try not to bring me down, dear Gilbert! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, etcetera.”

They made their way back down the hall while I returned to my office. Ever since Celeste had shared images of us touring the world, I couldn’t stop thinking about how the only date I’d taken her on was right here on my own island. The picnic was nice, but I could do better. Celestedeservedbetter than that, and more crucially, I wanted to make sure she didn’t become so stressed that she stunted her magic. Or worse, hurt herself.

I settled down to continue arranging things, but not before sending Walter a quick text message. My private jet was always ready for me to take a flight at a moment’s notice, and on a whim, I decided to use it. While Celeste got up and did her morning training, I continued to organize preparations as well as a getaway.

It was selfish, yes, but it’d be short, and I wasn’t going to deny myself time with Celeste when there was still a possibility we’d have to be kept apart and unable to complete the ritual. I wouldn’t die with another regret.

It was before noon when I finished a call with a mountain lion shifter out of Alberta. Walter had sent me a message about thirty minutes prior that all arrangements were ready and all safety precautions taken. He’d already alerted the nearestmembers of the Order to do a quick patrol of the private airport we’d land in, though I’d chosen New York City because there’d been no news about the Solar Sovereign or any of her lackeys. We wouldn’t be there long, in any case.

Hearing Celeste, Abi, and Grant come in for lunch, I got up from my desk, swallowing down my cold coffee as I hurried to the kitchen. “Celeste, could you come with me?” I asked, grinning as she excused herself. “Let’s go outside.”

“Sure,” she said, following me out to the patio. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing at all,” I said, motioning for her to keep following as we headed down towards the dock. “We are heading out for the rest of the day. A short trip is calling our name.”

Celeste blinked, balking slightly. “A trip? Like…somewhere else? On a boat? Are you sure we should be leaving Isla Lobo right now?”

“I’m sure,” I said, offering my hand. “Walter and I have arranged everything. Do you trust me?”

“Of course,” she said, reaching out to lace our fingers together. “Lead the way.”

Six hours later, we landed in a private airport right outside New York City. I didn’t have to tell Celeste where we were. She lit up as the skyline came into view. You didn’t need to have visited the city before recognizing some of the world’s most iconic buildings.

“Are we going to eat hot dogs on Coney Island?” she teased as we stood, disembarking the plane.

“No,” I said. Hot dogs were not my ideal meal, wolf shifter or no.

“Oh, I know. You’re taking me to the Statue of Liberty, aren’t you?”

I gave Celeste a look. “I would be happy to take you on any tour you would like another time, but I have a plan for today.”

She smiled at me. “Well, alright. Your last surprise was great, so lead the way!”

The private driver I’d chartered for the day was waiting for us on the tarmac, greeting us quietly before whisking us off toward our destination. It was hard for me to be as attentive to the conversation as I’d normally like, but I tried to remain more alert than usual. I refused to let anyone jump us and ruin this evening.

Thankfully, Celeste seemed content to gaze out the window as we rolled down the streets when something caught her eye. “Oh my…oh mygosh, Fenris! That’s the Hayden Planetarium!” she squealed, her eyes as bright as if she’d just seen a celebrity. She reached out and squeezed my hand, practically vibrating with excitement as the car slowed.

We’d barely come to a stop before Celeste whipped the door open, practically dragging me onto the sidewalk and up toward the building. “I can’t believe we’re actually here!”

I laughed, enamored by her enthusiasm as she all but ran up to the front door to go inside. Clearly, I was mistaken if I’d thought Celeste could merely take me on just a brief tour of the place she used to work. She took us from exhibit to exhibit, happily explaining each one to me. Listening to her was a delight in and of itself. She could’ve been explaining vacuum cleaners, and I’d still be delighted, but hearing the passion and joy in her voice was a special treat.
