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Fenris’s Private Villa

Isla Lobo, Panama

Time Until the Eclipse: 9 Days

I fought to catch my breath as I reached up to rub my eyes, scarcely able to believe what I’d just seen. My fingertips were still tingling even as I released my hold on my magic, but even that didn’t seem to register as I scanned the surrounding area for Fenris’s familiar shape.

Then he was instantly by my side, a massive black wolf one moment, a man the next. His hands ran up and down my arms, clearly scanning me for any injuries. I’d felt the impact when Sabine had struck him earlier, but the echo of pain in our bond had already faded from my peripheral senses. After I recognized he didn’t have any lasting injuries, I finally exhaled, stepping closer to pull him into a tight embrace.

“I’m okay,” I whispered as he cradled me against his chest, cupping the back of my neck with his palm. “Fenris, I’m alright.”

He exhaled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “You were amazing,” he murmured against my skin, his tone full of awe.

“I think I need help,” Morgan croaked from a few feet away, sinking down into the sand.

As I glanced over at the other witch, I realized she’d gone pale, arms wrapped around her middle as she hunched forward. Cody was by her side in an instant, the large chestnut wolf turning and growling as I tried to get closer. I didn’t approach, giving him a moment as I looked for other allies.

Despite the marks on his face, Piers seemed fine otherwise, falling back to regroup with his brother. Abi was panting by Gilbert’s side. There was the start of a bruise on her jaw, but nothing else seemed to be wrong.

We couldn’t say the same for Walter. Val hovered over him, her hands shaking as she tried to work up a spell. I could tell that she was already at the limits of her own energy, and I sucked in a sharp breath as I realized Grant lay close to where Fenris’s home once stood, still unmoving. The witchfire had long since gone out.

“Is he…?” I began, afraid to finish the thought.

“He’s dead,” Fenris said. “It was quick.”

As if that made it better. I grimaced and looked away, forcing myself to take a breath. Now was not the time to lose my head.

I glanced up at the house and sighed. The magical fire had died out, but flames still licked the building, crawling over the wood and material that hadn’t been blown to smithereens. If I hadn’t just fought a psychic witch, I’d have the energy, but not now—especially not with Val and Morgan down for the count. I certainly couldn’t save the home on my own.

Piers followed my gaze and scowled, turning to spit again. “I said I’d kill that bitch, but now I wish I could kill Sabine all over again,” he growled, shaking his head as the fires climbed the walls of Fenris’s home.

I sighed but turned away, too tired to deal with the emotional impact of losing a home. We had more urgent issues. Turning back to the scattered group, I looked for where I’d be the most useful when I realized I couldn’t see Esme. Or Liana. My pulse spiked, my heart jumped into my throat, and I wrenched myself from Fenris’s embrace. I whirled around to figure out where the two of them had gone.


Before I could finish my thought, Lyka suddenly jolted from where he’d been grooming one of his injuries. The dark wolf was like a midnight comet, streaking toward the burning building.

“Lyka!” Fenris called, tearing away after his brother. I ran after them both.

Even yards away, the heat from the fire was unbearable. “Fenris!” I cried, coughing then choking on the billowing smoke. My eyes watered fiercely, and I ducked my head to peer forward. I couldn’t see either of the brothers. “Lyka! Fenris! Where are you?”

Someone coughed, and I stumbled back, squinting as I realized one of the men was walking back through the smoldering wreckage, the second not far behind. I sucked in a deep breath and regretted it at once, coughing and spluttering as I realized Fenris was carrying someone. As he got further out of the thick, acrid smoke, I recognized Esme, coughing and wheezing against his chest. Liana was faring better, able to stand as Lyka set her down.

“What were you thinking?” I said to Liana, hurrying over to check the pair of women.

Liana shrugged sheepishly. “I saw Esme run into the house. No one else seemed to notice, and I was afraid she was confused or trapped.”

Lyka grumbled, displeased with howLianacould’ve gotten trapped or lost inside the smoky house, but I gave my friend ahug, touched by her concern for my aunt. As I turned to Esme, I realized she was clutching something. She held it out to me as a cold shiver ran down my spine.

“Your grimoire,” she choked out, her voice hoarse as she coughed. “The Handmaiden grimoire. It was going to burn. I couldn’t let it burn.”

I lurched forward, doing my best to hug the woman. “Thank you,” I whispered, kissing her forehead as she wheezed. “This means more than you realize.”

“Look!” Piers pointed to a dark shape forming several feet away on the island.

Recognizing the portal seconds before it opened, I tensed, clutching my grimoire to my chest as I prepared to cast a shield around my friends. Then Delila Devins stepped out of the air, the cold breeze grabbing at her cloak. A few other folks followed behind her.

“April! Pearl!” Val exclaimed, clearly recognizing the two women. She paused as she spotted the man. “James—”
