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They must know I’m the Lunar Bride.

I looked down at my feet. I wasn’t sure how fast word traveled, but I expected Keziah’s pack members had figured that out. It was only a matter of time before the news traveled across the grapevine. I bit my lip, looking up at the sound of someone’s voice, only to realize several wolf shifters at the camp to my left were kneeling, exposing their necks, while a few mountain lion shifters dipped their head in respect.

Oh my…what are theydoing?Fenris is the wolf god, not me!

I was just his fated mate! For all they knew, I was just a pretty, incompetent face! Their submission gave me a shock, and, desperate to be out of the public eye, I wanted nothing more than to dive inside Keziah’s home the moment we got to her doorstep.

Fenris stepped up beside me, giving me a curious look. He’d clearly experienced the adulation a hundred times before. I knew he was acting more aloof than usual while “mourning” his brother, but he couldn’t hide his obvious concern.

I took a breath, not wanting him to worry, as Keziah opened her door, ushering us inside. “I’ll send my healers over right away,” she told Fenris, motioning to another wolf running into the camp. “Come inside, come inside. I am glad to see you in one piece.”

“You look much better yourself,” Fenris remarked, looking the female alpha up and down. “I am glad the warlock didn’t damage you too badly.” His expression fell. “Our battle was not without casualties, however.”

My heart leapt into my throat, aware this was the first real test of our little plan. Keziah gave him a keen look. “Oh?”

“Mhm. An ally on my island is dead, as is my…” He bared his teeth, his eyes flashing before he looked away from Keziah. “Sabine murdered my brother in her final act,” he snarled.

If I hadn’t seen Lyka moments before we’d stepped onto the Snowmass Pack lands, I’d have believed Fenris. I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself, and looking down so I’d seem remorseful. Fenris rumbled and stepped closer, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulders.

Keziah inhaled. “I am most sorry to hear that, Lord Fenris,” she said, suddenly taking on a formal tone. “I will my entire home to you so you may grieve in peace. I know this is in no way enough to deal with such a massive loss, but this is all I have.”

Fenris rumbled. “It will do. Thank you.” He paused, looking back at Keziah. “My allies will need shelter as well. I have also picked up a lone wolf; his name is Zeke. He has pledged his loyalty to me and fought against Sabine’s attack. While I would not usually ask you to home a loner, today I will ask for an exception.”

“Of course, of course,” Keziah said, nodding. “We’ll make sure he has his own tent. I know lone wolves can be a bit…touchy about other shifters after so long alone. But any ally of yours is welcome.”

“Good,” Fenris said, nodding.

I exhaled softly, glad our plan was working. “Zeke” was the name we’d given Lyka. The fact that Keziah would remove him from the others without our asking was good news as well. We’d already tried to provide Lyka with enough markings, as well as the same blurring talisman, so no one would recognize him if we were forced to shift into wolves.

Keziah paused by the door. “I would like nothing more than to give you your space,” she said carefully, “but several members of the Order of the Stars have gathered here, and I think you might like to hear their updates first.”

Fenris nodded. “I would,” he affirmed, nodding for Keziah to lead the way.

The other members were in a tent a short walk back toward the camp. Each one addressed me, but I was barely able to follow the updates they were giving Fenris. I hugged my arms against my chest, suddenly cold as I battled the heaviness in my eyelids.

Don’t embarrass yourself.

Suddenly, Fenris was next to me again. I blinked. “I’m f—”

“That’s enough for now,” Fenris announced to the group, then he scooped me off my feet like I was a blushing bride. It was all I could do not to yelp as I threw my arms around his neck. “We have been though much today, and I will not put Celeste through any more without some rest.”

“Of course,” Keziah said, moving quickly to push the tent flap to the side.

As we exited, the others gathered in the camp seemed to notice me again, but if I thought the stares were bad the first time, it was much worse now. My cheeks flushed, and I squirmed and kicked my legs. “Put me down,” I hissed to Fenris as I hid my face. “I can walk. I’m not hurt.”

Fenris ignored my complaints while carrying me all the way back to Keziah’s home. He didn’t even put me down once we were inside, bringing me all the way up the stairs and into the guest room, only to set me down on the bed. He knelt, starting to unlace my boots.

“I am so grateful for you,khuya,” he said softly. “Without your sixth sense, we wouldn’t have gotten out of my home in time. Without your strength, Sabine really could’ve killed my brother.” He put my boots to the side and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “You must be exhausted.”

I was about to argue when I realized he was right. “Yeah,” I said simply, struggling to speak.

“Do you need me to find you something to eat?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I just…would you just hold me for a while? Please?”

“Absolutely,” he said, kicking off his boots to crawl into bed, wrapping his arm around my middle and pulling me against his chest while I made myself comfortable in the sheets.

Then sleep came, just like that. I knew there was nowhere safer for me than in Fenris’s arms.
