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“Ah, the Thalassa witch?” Haley said, tucking a strand of light brown hair behind her ear. “She’s recovered completely. She’s resting with the other Thalassa witches who arrived in Snowmass territory late last night, after your party arrived.” She paused, pointing to a few blue tents off to one side of the gathering. “They’re over there, sir.”

Sir.I sighed, but I supposed it was better thanLord. “Thank you,” I said with a nod.

Aware that Morgan had never been entirely comfortable in my presence, I opted to leave her be with her family and coven. Though most of my allies were recovering, not all of us had escaped unscathed. I still had to investigate Grant Oakley’s extended family and inform any remaining members of his demise. If they wanted to hold a funeral for him, I’d send the money to pay for the service as well.

This was normally something I’d request of Walter, but I wouldn’t bother him now. Instead, I returned to Keziah’s cabin to fetch my phone. I paused when I found it on the nightstand, watching a still-sleeping Celeste. Her lashes barely kissed herface, and she looked so at peace. A strange wistfulness grew within me.

Before I could creep back out of the bedroom, she stirred, clearly sensing my presence. I cursed myself as her eyes fluttered open, and she gave me a soft smile before propping herself up, stretching her arms over her head. “Early bird gets the worm, huh?” she said gently. “Is there any coffee?”

“No,” I said, “but I’m happy to go make you some.”

“That’s okay,” she said, giving me a wink before pushing the covers off. “I’ll take a quick shower.” She paused, looking me up and down. “Where’d you get the outfit?”

“Keziah left us some clothing,” I said. “I’ll bring some up and leave it in the bathroom for you.”

“Thank you,” she said, walking around the bed to wrap her arms around me. “I’ll go check on Esme after I shower. I know she wasn’t in the fight, but she inhaled a lot of smoke. I’m surprised she was lucid enough to remember my grimoire.Iwasn’t even thinking of it in that moment.” She sighed and shook her head. “I don’t know why it’s been so much more difficult to help her compared to Abi or Cody.”

I dipped my head to press a soft kiss to her temple. “Don’t get too caught up worrying,” I said gently. “After what I saw you do yesterday, Celeste, I have full confidence you will be able to do whatever needs to be done.”

She paused, looking up at me with those bright silver eyes. “Thank you,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. She stood on her toes, pressing a kiss to my lips in return. “I…thank you, Fenris.” She kissed me again and slipped away toward the bathroom.

I watched her go, debating if I should give into the desire to follow her. But I suspected she needed some time alone with her thoughts, and I had some calls to make. It was best to get them over with.

The next three days went by in the blink of an eye. Cody and the other shifters supplied a continuous patrol of the Snowmass Pack’s borders while the covens assembled charms for protection. A smaller group of witches were preparing the transportation we’d need to teleport so many individuals to the Temple of the Moon. The other faefolk stood guard or lurked about in the more normal spheres, offering intel.

Word had spread that the Lunar Lord’s brother was killed in a surprise attack. No one questioned “Zeke’s” appearance since we’d arrived, and I was confident they didn’t suspect. It helped, I supposed, that no one except his guards had seen Lyka for several centuries—and those vampires had been killed the first time Sabine attacked. Everyone also expected a “lone wolf” to be skittish and avoid others, so the camp didn’t think it strange that Zeke preferred to be alone and wore hoodies that shielded most of his face from prying eyes.

The Order of the Stars were already beginning to transport some individuals to Peru, while other shifters had left days before to travel there in their animal forms. The goal was to move enough folk without catching too much of the Solar Sovereign’s attention, but everyone had their limits.

Now, I was sitting with Keziah and several other members of the Order around her table, but found I was struggling to focus on the most recent report. My days felt like a blur of constant information input, and for the first time, I was struggling to retain new knowledge.

Instead, my mind wandered to Celeste. When the eclipse arrived, I’d be able to bite her, able toclaimher, completing our bond as fated mates. Our connection would become so much stronger. I’d never known anyone who’d claimed their fated mate, but the Celestial Pack had long shared such lore. This sacred bond would be so deep, we’d be able to communicate telepathically, not simply sharing our emotion or pain. Ourwolves would find harmony, and more balance and peace than we’d ever known before.

Even a wolf shifter whose fated mate was a half-shifter—or not a shifter at all—would feel like they’d been made whole in claiming their mate, even if the claiming wasn’t reciprocated. Their fated mate, too, would receive some stability and an internal sense of calm.

“Does anyone have anything else to add?” Keziah asked, looking around the table.

I cleared my throat when no one spoke, hoping my expression hadn’t seemed too glazed over. “Good,” I said. “But if anything changes, please alert me at once.”

Everyone said their goodbyes, but as I left the alpha’s home, Piers pulled me aside, flashing me a brilliant smile. “There you are, Fenris!” he exclaimed, as if I was difficult to track down here. “Now, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which would you like first?”

Behind him, Gilbert rolled his eyes. I sighed and gave the younger twin a flat look. “Just spit it out, Piers.”

He sighed dramatically and clucked his tongue at me. “Well, the good news is I have met the mostgorgeousskinwalker while we’ve been here. Absolutely exquisite creature. I…”

“Piers,” his brother said sternly.

“The bad news is that there’s been some…tension, shall we say, between your allies. Most of it centers on the covens that have gathered here in Snowmass territory.”

I was surprised to hear this was more than gossip. “Oh? What’s happened?”

“Well, I’m not pointing any fingers, but the crux of it appears to be members of the Thalassa coven and the Vitalis coven. Some fundamental differences, I suppose. It started with some cross words, but I fear it’ll escalate.”

Escalate? Are they forgetting what we’re about to do?I grunted and shook my head. “Is that all?”

“I’m afraid not,” Piers sighed. “The worst of it involves Aurora witches. I’m not sure if they’re fighting with anyonespecifically, but it does seem to me that everyone eyes them with some…suspicion. And given how tense everyone is with the upcoming eclipse,suspicionis quickly turning into outright hostility.”

I exhaled heavily through my nose, reaching up to rub one of my temples.Of course.“I hope that’s it, then.”
