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Part of me knew I shouldn’t be doing this here, but I didn’t want to stop. The rest of me delighted in the way he stared at me like I was the only thing on this planet that could bring him any respite. Like I was an oasis for a dying man in the desert. Like I was an island to a drowning man.

“I’m going to kiss you now, Fenris,” I whispered, leaning in to close the space between us. I pressed my lips against his, smiling at the way he met me eagerly…

Fenris squeezed my fingers, and I opened my eyes again. He didn’t make a sound, but I could feel the warning through our bond, and as much as I enjoyed teasing him, I didn’twantto make a scene at the show. We could finish playing out that little scene later in the privacy of our hotel room.

Even so, I found myself squirming, all too aware of how close my mate was. Fortunately, there were only a few minutes left, and as soon as the lights turned back on, Fenris had me by the hand again, practically dragging me up the stairs and out of the theater.

“I’m sure this planetarium has an empty room somewhere,” he muttered, shooting me a heated look over his shoulder.

I chuckled. “We’re supposed to be meeting our friends, Fenris.” I shouldn’t have teased him like that, but…how could I resist in a place like this? With him next to me?

“They won’t care if we’re late,” he said, downright smoldering.

I rolled my eyes. “Piers would never let us hear the end of it.”

That made Fenris chuckle, but he slowed down, no longer looking at each door we passed by. “I’ll pay you back later, then,” he said after a moment, allowing me to take the lead.

I smiled, slowing our pace even further as I guided us back toward the planetarium’s grand entrance. It was still warm outside, even though the sun had started its descent, casting long shadows over the city streets.

We’d been traveling all summer, visiting the planetariums of Europe as Fenris’s—or, rather,our—new home came together on the private island he’d bought to replace Isla Caida. The place was being designed with both of us in mind. I didn’t know a thing about home design or interior decorating, but Fenris insisted I have as much say in its development as he did. That meant, of course, with all the details we added, construction would take some time.

So, we traveled. And I did love the fact that we had the ability to go wherever we wanted, to see whatever sights struck our fancy, but…with all this traveling, we really hadn’t seen much of our friends. I was looking forward to seeing everyone, and more importantly, I was happy that Fenris seemed to be looking forward to it, too.

I’d barely rounded the corner when I heard Abi squeal, hurtling toward me to scoop me up in a hug. I laughed, hardly having time to let go of Fenris’s hand before she squeezed me, spinning me around in a circle before setting me back down on the sidewalk.

“There you are!” she gushed, her eyes bright. “Looking fabulous, I see.”

I beamed, allowing her to drag me to the restaurant patio, where the others were already sitting. Piers and Gilbert lounged in the shade of an umbrella, locked in a deep discussion about the virtues of French wine with Walter while Val looked on fondly. They all paused to greet us as we sat down, and Abi gave me a bright look, practically bouncing in her seat. “I have a surprise for you,” she said as soon as my butt hit the chair.

“This isn’t a pregnancy announcement, is it?” I asked warily as I looked briefly at Gilbert.

Abi laughed. “You and I both know that isn’t how vampires work.” She rolled her eyes. “I got in touch with Liana. Her and Lyka will be joining us any minute. Surprise!”

As if on cue, a black car rolled up and stopped on the other side of the street. The door opened, and Liana stepped out, followed by Lyka moments later. They crossed behind the car, and I watched them in minor amazement, though Lyka looked unsure. If I hadn’t known him, I’d simply think he was someone who didn’t go to cities often. I certainly wouldn’t have imagined him as someone who’d spent centuries enduring psychological torture.

Fenris, who hadn’t yet taken his seat, turned to greet his brother, beaming as they embraced. My chest nearly burst as I watched them, unable to take my eyes off the way Fenris smiled so warmly as he and his brother caught up.

After a moment, I waved Liana over, and Abi moved one chair down, making room for our friend to sit between us. “I’m so happy to see you!” I told her, wondering if I could smile any bigger. Surrounded by our friends and family, I couldn’t imagine a much better place to be in that moment.

Liana giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s not often I get an invitation to visit Paris,” she responded, flashing Abi a grin. “How could I say no?”

I laughed and shook my head, looking back at Abi. “Are Cody and Morgan about to appear on a scooter?”

“I did ask,” Abi said, “but they’re back with Cody’s pack in California. Morgan went to visit his family, and I thought that was a good sign. We’ll just have to catch up with them somewhere else fancy. If you go to Greece on this world tour…”

“Hmm, I think we can manage that,” I said, nearly giggling at Abi’s not-so-subtle hints.

As I looked around the table, I felt overwhelming warmth as couples and friends exchanged stories, catching up after a few months apart. I felt like I truly belonged somewhere, and it wasn’t because of the place; it was because of the people I was with. I had found where I belonged. Who I belonged to.

Fenris took his seat, then settled his hand over mine and squeezed it. As I glanced over to meet his eyes, I felt a blossoming sense of affection spreading through our bond in both directions. For a moment, I wondered who’d started it, but quickly realized it didn’t matter—I didn’t care. I moved my hand so I could squeeze his in return, hoping he could sense the overwhelming sense of belonging and peace he’d brought to me.

“I love you,” he murmured, his smile growing. He didn’t have to say anything else. I knew the rest.

My heart felt full to bursting. I loved this life. I loved who I’d become—and I had a whole eternity in front of me to love him.

I took an unsteady breath, aware of the emotion in my voice. “I love you, too,” I murmured, leaning in to kiss his lips.

As I did, the rest of the world seemed to fade for a moment. I’d finally found my home.

Have you checked out Royally Cursed yet?

I curse the day I ever met Kai DeLune. Literally.

In my defense, I put a curse on the gorgeous, domineering alpha for his own protection. Because if he somehow figures out we’re fated, neither of us will live to see the end of this shifter war.

It’s just my luck I’ve been assigned as his troop’s healer. Watching him from a distance is torture for me, and if he finds out the truth, he’s headstrong enough to think he can save the world, including me.

Except I’m past saving. I was already cursed long before I met Kai, and no one can ever find out.

But I can still save Kai. Or at least I thought I could until our military base was attacked and Kai was seriously injured. His only hope of survival is for me to lift his curse so I can get close enough to heal him.
