Page 12 of The Closer

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"Or it can be my greatest asset," I counter, meeting her gaze unflinchingly. "Besides, I like a good challenge."

Her eyes narrow, and I can almost see the wheels turning in her mind as she assesses me, sizing me up. "Challenges can be dangerous. You might lose more than you wager."

I lean closer, my voice dropping to a low, intimate timbre. "Or I could win something far more valuable."

We continue to play, our banter escalating, each hand a new battle in a war that's rapidly turning personal. The other players seem to fade into the background as Galina and I lock horns, neither willing to give an inch.

The stakes rise, and so does the tension, until it's just the two of us, our stacks of chips almost perfectly even, our eyes locked in a fierce duel as much about power and desire as it is about the game.

I can feel the heat of her, sense her determination, her drive to win. But I'm not about to back down, not when the prize is so enticing. She's a mystery I want to unravel.

"You play well," I admit, my voice dripping with admiration and something more that makes her eyes widen for just a split second.

"I could say the same about you," she replies, her voice cool and controlled, yet I can hear the underlying heat, the spark of interest she's trying so hard to hide.

"It's not about playing well." I lean in, our faces mere inches apart, our breath mingling. "It's about playing smart."

"And what's the smart play here?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on my lips.

I close the distance, my voice a soft growl in her ear. "That's for me to know, and you to find out."

The final hand is dealt, and as we play, I can feel the pull between us growing stronger, more insistent. It's a game within a game, a dance of desire and domination, and I know this is only the beginning.

I realize I'm not just playing for the pot anymore. It's her I want, Galina, with her sharp wit, her even sharper smile, and the way she looks at me like she's already got me figured out.

I'm ready to up the stakes. When it’s just the two of us at the table, I make my move.

"How about we make this last hand more interesting?" I propose, leaning back and studying her face for any signs of hesitation.

She raises an eyebrow, intrigued but wary. "More interesting, how?"

"If I win," I say, pausing to let the words sink in, "you'll have dinner with me. Just the two of us. No games, no tricks, just a nice meal and a chance to get to know each other better."

"And if you lose?" she asks, her eyes narrowing as she considers the offer.

"I won't bother you again. You'll be free of my admittedly irresistible charm," I reply with a grin, trying to keep the mood light even though my heart is -to my surprise- pounding in my chest.

She regards me for a long moment, her eyes searching mine, as if she's trying to see if I'm serious. Finally, she leans forward, her lips curling into a slow, seductive smile.


I feel a jolt of excitement mixed with a touch of trepidation. We both go all in, pushing our stacks of chips into the middle of the table. The air is thick with anticipation, and I can feel the other players' eyes on us, but all I can focus on is her, the way she looks at me, the challenge in her eyes.

The cards are dealt, and we play our hands with the same intensity that's marked our entire game. The room fades as we battle it out, each of us determined to win, yet both aware the real prize isn't the money on the table.

When the final card is turned over, Galina's face lights up, and my stomach drops as I realize she's won with double aces.

"Well played, Mr. Nicolaevich," she says, reaching forward to collect her money, her eyes dancing with triumph.

"You too," I reply, forcing a smile even though I feel like I've lost more than just a hand of poker.

She hesitates for a moment, then, to my surprise, she scribbles something on a napkin and hands it to me. It's her phone number.

"You can take me out to dinner anyway," she says, her voice soft, her eyes warm. "You've earned it."

I feel like a million bucks, like I've won the jackpot. The sting of losing the game fades as I realize I've won something far more enticing.

"Are you sure?" I ask, not wanting to press my luck.
