Page 17 of The Closer

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For now, all I have are questions and a lingering sense of longing. The city unfolds around me, beautiful and inviting, but it's her face I see, her laughter I hear.

In the grand chessboard of my life, Valentina has become the queen. The one piece that's changed the game, and I can't wait to see what move she makes next.

As I step into the chic, bustling coffee shop, the scent of freshly ground beans and the hum of conversation fill the air. I've nearly signed the building's lease and doing so added yet another successful venture to my growing empire. The aroma of impending success is almost as intoxicating as the coffee itself. Almost.

My triumphant thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a child's cry, and instinctively, my ears perk up. It's a whimper that tugs at the heart, a lost, frightened sound resonating deep within me. I've always had a soft spot for kids; being an uncle does that to you.

I glance around, searching for the source of the crying, and find a little boy standing near the gelato section of the counter, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. Dozens of people are there around us, and the sight of the child standing lost and alone among the indifferent crowd stirs something in me. He can't be more than five, his wide brown eyes filled with fear and confusion. My heart aches at the sight.

"Hey, buddy," I say, stepping over and crouching down to his level, "what's the matter?"

The boy sniffles, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I'm lost," he stammers, his voice breaking. "I saw the ice cream, and I wanted some, and now I can't find my mama."

His words hit me like a punch to the gut, the raw pain in his eyes impossible to ignore. "Hey, it's going to be okay," I assure him, reaching out to ruffle his hair. "My name's Roman. What's yours?"

"Ilya," he replies, his voice shaky.

"Well, Ilya," I say, giving him a reassuring smile, "how about we find your mama together? Sound like a plan?"

He nods hesitantly, his eyes widening as I pick him up, tucking him securely into my arms. I make a silly face, pretending to be a detective on a mission, and he giggles, the sound like music to my ears.

"Now, Detective Ilya, we must search high and low, near and far, to find your missing mama. Are you ready for the adventure?"

He giggles again, the tears forgotten, as he nods eagerly. "Ready, Detective Roman!"

"Excellent!" I say, making my way through the café, Ilya's tiny hand gripping my shirt. "Now, let's see. If I were a missing mama, where would I be?"

We weave through the crowded café, Ilya's infectious laughter ringing in my ears as I make joke after joke, silly face after silly face. I can see the relief in his eyes, the trust slowly building, and I vow to myself I'll do whatever it takes to reunite him with his mother.

With Ilya securely perched on my hip, we make our way out onto the street, turning our shared adventure into a full-on expedition. We're a team, a duo of detectives on the hunt, and I can't help but enjoy every moment of it. There's something about this kid, something pure and genuine that makes me feel like a hero.

We check the surrounding block, Ilya's eyes wide with excitement as we search for any sign of his missing mother. But before we have to look too far, I hear a frantic voice shoot up from the din of the crowd that sends a shockwave through me.

"Ilya? Ilya!"

I recognize the voice, a voice that haunts my dreams and fuels my desire. A voice I never expected to hear in this situation.

I turn, and there she is. The air is practically knocked from my lungs as I take her in. She's dressed casually, her brown hair pulled back, her body encased in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. But even in the most ordinary of clothing, she's nothing short of breathtaking.

Her eyes widen when she spots me holding her kid, and for a moment, we're both frozen, the world around us fading as we lock eyes. Her expression is one of shock, disbelief, but also something else, something deeper that I can't quite put my finger on.

"Roman?" she stammers, her voice trembling as she takes a step forward. "What are you doing here?"

"Mama!" Ilya's excited cry snaps me out of my trance, and I set him down, watching as he runs into Valentina's arms.

“Oh, my little bear!” She hugs him tightly, tears in her eyes as she looks up at me. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice filled with gratitude.

"I, uh, found him in the café," I manage to say, my usual cocky charm momentarily subdued by the intensity of the moment. "He was looking for ice cream."

She smiles, a genuine, heartwarming smile that makes my heart do somersaults in my chest. "That sounds like my Ilya," she says softly, ruffling his hair.

We stand there, our connection palpable, the air charged with a tension that's both thrilling and terrifying.

Valentina's eyes are filled with concern as she clutches Ilya close, explaining how she looked away for just a moment, and suddenly her little boy was gone. The panic in her voice is still evident, a mother's worst fear coming to life.

"I can't thank you enough, Roman," she says, her words sincere and filled with a depth of gratitude that resonates within me. "You have no idea how terrified I was."

I shrug, the grin returning to my face. "It's what any decent man would do. Besides, I think Ilya and I make a great detective team."
