Page 29 of The Closer

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The intensity of our lovemaking leaves us both breathless. Slowly, gently, I pull out of her, rolling over onto my back, pulling her close so her head rests on my chest. We lay there, spent, listening to the cadence of each other's breathing, feeling the warmth of shared satisfaction.

Our fingers lazily intertwine, and I bring her hand to my lips, pressing soft kisses against her knuckles. The quiet between us is serene, filled with a wordless understanding. It's in moments like this, where the world fades and it's just the two of us, that I feel an almost overwhelming tenderness for Valentina. There's a vulnerability in the way she looks at me, her dark eyes shimmering with unshed tears of emotion.

"Valentina," I murmur, the words spilling out unbidden, "there's something... something incredibly surreal about this. About us."

She props herself up on one elbow, looking down at me, her hair cascading around her face like a silken curtain. "What do you mean?"

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, searching for the right words. "It's like... I feel like I've known you forever. It's bizarre. We've only had a handful of encounters, yet here I am, feeling like you've been a part of my life for ages."

A wistful smile graces her lips. "Maybe in another life, we were lovers. Do you believe in reincarnation?"

I chuckle softly, caressing her face. "I'm not sure what I believe. But I can't deny the connection between us. It's palpable, almost tangible. Like I can reach out and touch it."

She nods, her fingers playing with the hairs on my chest. "I feel it too. It's both comforting and a little terrifying."

"Terrifying?" I raise an eyebrow inquisitively.

She sighs. "Because, Roman, it means what we have is real. And real things... they can break."

I pull her close, wrapping my arms around her protectively. "Then we'll just have to be careful with each other, won't we?"

She nods against my chest, and we let the comforting silence envelop us once more before getting to our feet and finding our discarded clothing.

Slipping on her clothes with a practiced efficiency, Valentina barely meets my gaze. There's a slight flush on her cheeks, but whether from our recent escapades or something else, I'm not entirely sure. I watch her every move, fascinated by the interplay of emotions playing out on her face.

"Ilya?" I inquire, buttoning up my shirt, the fabric soft against my still-sensitive skin.

She nods, pulling on her shoes. "Daycare ends soon."

I stride over, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, allowing my fingers to trail down her neck. She leans into the touch, her eyes closing for a brief moment. "How about a trip soon? Somewhere the three of us can have a little fun. The zoo maybe? "

Her eyes light up, and for a moment, the guarded look she often wears falls away. "Ilya would love that. And so would I," she admits, a smile tugging at her lips.

We're in the middle of making plans when the unmistakable sound of a door opening interrupts us. A rush of cold air sweeps into the corridor, sending a shiver down my spine. Valentina's face loses its color, her posture going rigid. Concerned, I follow her gaze and find myself locking eyes with a stranger in her entrance way.

He's tall, with the same shade of dark hair as Valentina and a brooding, intense look that makes me instantly wary. I can feel the tension in the room spike, the atmosphere growing heavy with unspoken words and hidden animosities.

"Who the hell is this?" he demands, his voice cold. I take an instinctive, protective step in front of Valentina.

She swallows, her hand coming to rest on my arm in a feeble attempt to calm me. "Roman, this is Vladimir. My brother."

My surprise must be evident because she gives me a tight-lipped smile, her gaze never leaving her brother's.

"Vlad, what are you doing here?"

Vladimir’s eyes are still on me, sizing me up, weighing my worth. "I’m here to talk, Sister," he replies, voice dripping with contempt. “You’ve been hard to reach the last few days. Perhaps now I know why.”

Valentina's grip on my arm tightens, her nails digging in. "Not now, Vladimir. This isn't the time."

He smirks, stepping further into the apartment, looking around with disdain. "Looks like I interrupted something. "

The edge in his voice is unmistakable, the underlying threat clear as day. I'm no stranger to confrontations, but there's something about Vladimir that makes my blood run frigid. Perhaps it's the coldness in his eyes or the way he carries himself. Whatever it is, I know I need to tread carefully.

"Perhaps it's best if you leave," Valentina suggests to me, clearly making an effort to keep her voice calm and level.

Valentina's brother merely raises an eyebrow, his smirk growing wider. "Yes – that sounds like a good idea.”

Part of me wants to challenge him, to wipe that smug smirk off his face. But my diplomatic side takes over before I can. “Of course. Far be it from me to intrude on family matters.”
