Page 35 of The Closer

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The ambient music of the bar, the gentle hum of conversations, all fades into the background. All I can hear is the steady beat of my heart, the soft whisper of my breath. Every sense is heightened, every nerve is alive. The distance between the target and me decreases with each step. As the plush rugs of the Imperial Vista cushions my steps, I feel the weight of the mission bearing down on me, but also the thrill of the chase.

The man at the bar remains oblivious, lost in his world, sipping his drink, unaware the night holds a twist he couldn’t possibly anticipate. As I move closer, the air grows thick with tension, but my determination never wavers.

Elena is ready to play her part. The night at the Imperial Vista is just beginning, and the Ghost is in control.

Taking a deep breath, I stroll towards the bar, stepping into my role with practiced ease. I've always been good at playing a part, at slipping into another skin and making it believable. As I reach the bar, I clear my throat and give the man a bright, professional smile.

"Good evening, sir. May I interest you in one of our special cocktails?" I say, laying the charm on just thick enough. I need him comfortable, trusting.

He turns, his keen gaze assessing me for a moment. His lips curl into a smug smile, his pride evident. "Certainly. Surprise me," he replies, his accent thicker than cream.

I chuckle softly, as any good bartender would. "I hope you have a taste for adventure, then."

"As long as it comes with a good drink," he quips with a smile, his eyes lingering on mine a second longer than necessary.

I suppress a shiver. No matter how many times I do this, there's always a spark of adrenaline when the moment comes.

"Tell me," he continues, leaning in, "what's the most exotic thing you've got?"

Deciding to play along, I reply, "Well, sir, we have a blend that combines Russian and British tastes. Vodka with a hint of elderflower. Would that be to your liking?"

His face lights up with intrigue. "A fusion of our two worlds? I'd love to try."

Perfect. I reach below the counter, grabbing a bottle of vodka and another of elderflower liqueur. As I start making the drink, I keep up the small talk. "Visiting St. Petersburg for business or pleasure?"

"A bit of both," he answers, sipping the remnants of his previous drink, his eyes never leaving mine. "There's always something to be done, and if one can enjoy the beauty of the city in the process, why not?"

My fingers wrap around the tiny pill bottle hidden in my pocket. I subtly drop the pill into the drink, watching it dissolve quickly. I stir the cocktail to be sure it's perfectly blended.

“And here you are, sir,” I say, handing the drink to the unsuspecting man.

“Looks lovely.” Rutherford raises the drink into the air. “Cheers.” I nod at him, a tingle running up my spine as he prepares to take the deadly sip.

Just one more moment and...

Out of nowhere, a man bumps hard into Rutherford, the impact knocking the drink out of his grasp. The cocktail splatters across the bar, its intended effect lost forever. The guests around are taken aback, and I quickly go to work cleaning up. Heart pounding, I turn my attention to the man who bumped into Rutherford, and the breath catches in my throat.


"Clumsy of me," he says, his eyes locked onto mine, a hint of warning, or perhaps challenge, evident in them.

Feigning surprise and annoyance, I shoot back, "What are you doing? Don’t you know how to walk?”

"God, what a klutz I can be," Roman responds, his voice smooth as ever.

I turn to Rutherford, who is now visibly annoyed. "I'm so sorry, sir. Let me make you another one. On the house." The poison is ruined – now the game is about preserving my cover.

Roman extends a hand toward the British man, his voice dripping with remorse. "Sir, I'm truly sorry for the incident. It was absolute carelessness on my part." He speaks flawless English, nearly as good as mine.

The Brit scoffs, his annoyance clear. "Perhaps in the future, you'll watch where you step." He snorts, shaking his head. “I suppose this is as good a sign as any to turn in for the night.”

He doesn't even wait for a response, simply grabbing his coat and leaving the bar. I watch helplessly as my quarry departs, my carefully laid plan in ruins.

I turn my attention back to Roman, and his eyes, darkened with a mix of emotions, bore into mine. My heart pounds furiously in my chest. He's seen me, truly seen me for the first time. And from the look on his face, there's no doubt in my mind he's pieced things together.

But what truly unnerves me is the evident disappointment in his gaze, a gentle, almost pleading questioning of why? Yet, there's something else lurking in the depths of his blue eyes, a fiery intensity that belies a more primal reaction.

"You know," he murmurs, leaning in so his lips hover close to my ear, "You've always been a mystery to me, Valentina. But I never imagined..."
