Page 36 of The Closer

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I cut him off, my voice sharp with the rising panic I feel. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

He takes a moment to study me, and the space between us is charged with a tension that feels palpable. Without any warning, he chuckles, a low, deep sound that sends shivers down my spine.

"I must admit," he confesses, "there's something incredibly seductive about danger. And you? You might just be the most dangerous woman I've ever met."

I blink, processing his words. Is he seriously flirting with me now, after potentially discovering my most guarded secret? "Are you seriously telling me you find this situation... arousing?"

He grins, and the way he looks at me causes heat to rise in my cheeks. "The thrill of the chase, the forbidden, the danger... I'd be lying if I said it didn't intrigue me."

It's a surreal moment, standing in the middle of the exquisite bar with the panorama of St. Petersburg glittering beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows. The decadence of the room—gold leaf details, plush velvet seats, the scent of exotic woods mixed with the smoky aroma of premium liquors—contrasts sharply with the intensity of our conversation.

"You have no idea what you're getting into," I finally mutter, pulling away from him slightly.

His eyes never leave mine. "But I want to. I want to understand, Valentina. Every part of you."

I turn around, my heels clicking on the pristine marble floors as I head for the exit. I've been exposed, or at least I feel like I have been, and all I want is to retreat, to escape from Roman's penetrating gaze. But I've barely gone a few paces down the hallway beyond the bar when a firm hand wraps around my wrist, yanking me to the side.

Suddenly, I'm pulled into the dimness of a nearby supply closet. The door clicks shut behind us, leaving us ensconced in a cocoon of shadows, the only light filtering in from the crack beneath the door. Roman’s tall frame looms over me, and his eyes, still filled with a mix of anger and passion, are inches from mine.

"What was that, Valentina? Who was that man? And what were you doing with that drink?" His voice is low and dangerous, but also tinged with desperation, eager for me to give him an explanation.

"I don't owe you any explanations," I hiss, defiance burning in my eyes. It's a defense mechanism, one that has kept me safe for years.

Roman's grip tightens on my arm, not enough to hurt but enough to make a point. "Damn it, Valentina! I've seen enough movies to know when someone's trying to poison another. Why? Who is he to you?"

I grit my teeth, battling with the storm of emotions inside me. How could things have unraveled so quickly? "It's not your business."

He takes a step closer, our bodies almost touching, and the intensity of his presence makes it hard to breathe. "Everything about you is my business. The moment you stepped into my life, it became my business. I won't let you shut me out."

Our faces are inches apart, our breaths mingling in the tight space. I'm acutely aware of the heat radiating off him, and the anger and frustration are nearly palpable between us. "You think you have a right to my secrets, to my life? Just because we've shared a few nights together?" I retort, my voice quivering.

The silence stretches between us, filled only by our ragged breathing. Without warning, Roman's lips crash down onto mine. The kiss is fierce, desperate, as if he's trying to draw the truth out of me, and despite the war raging inside my head, I respond with equal fervor. Our mouths move in sync, teeth clashing, tongues battling for dominance.

The hotel and all its opulence fade, and there's nothing but us, the fire of our emotions consuming everything else. My fingers tangle in his hair, pulling him closer, even as my mind screams at me to pull away. It's a dangerous game, this dance of passion and secrets, and as the heat rises, it becomes harder to distinguish where the anger ends and the desire begins.

Chapter 17


In the dimly lit supply closet, the tension is practically tangible, every touch amplified. Roman's hands find the small of my back, pulling me tightly against him, while mine glide up, tracing the muscles of his chest through his dress shirt. The soft rustle of fabric fills the small space as our mouths continue their frenzied dance.

Every inch of my mind screams at me to pull away, to remember the risks, the complications of letting things go too far. But with Roman, there's always been this electric charge, a magnetism drawing me to him. Even in the face of danger, his very presence makes me want to live in the moment, to forget about the world outside.

His fingers trace my spine, sending a shiver through my entire body. The sensation is heightened by the confined space and the forbidden nature of our rendezvous. "Valentina," he murmurs against my lips, the sound of my name making my heart skip a beat.

I lean back slightly, my hands flat against his chest. We're both breathing heavily, the weight of our mutual desires evident. "Roman, we shouldn't—" I start, but he cuts me off with a wicked grin.

"Shouldn't what? Want each other so desperately?" His fingers brush against my cheek, his touch feather light. "You're telling me you don't feel the fire between us?"

The boldness in his eyes challenges me, and I can't help but tell the truth. "Oh, I feel it," I retort, biting my lip for effect. "Then again, perhaps it's just your overinflated ego playing tricks on you."

He chuckles, the sound deep and rich. "You always have an answer, don't you?" His hand shifts down, and he presses himself against me, letting me feel the evidence of his desire. "Does that feel like an illusion to you?"

I gulp, my earlier bravado momentarily evaporating. The closeness, the intensity of our proximity, threatens to drown all logical thought. "Your arrogance is quite astounding."

"And your ability to resist me is impressive," he quips, his gaze fixed on my lips.

The playful banter, the teasing, it's all a way of navigating this treacherous territory we've found ourselves in. We're both well aware of the dangers, but there's a thrill in dancing on the edge, in pushing boundaries.
