Page 42 of The Closer

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I clutch his coat, drawing him closer, our bodies pressing together as if trying to merge into one. Every touch, every movement is charged with a raw need, an urgency born of the realization that in this unpredictable world, this might be our last chance at finding truth among the lies.

When we finally part, gasping for breath, our foreheads rest together. His eyes, still dark with passion, search mine for answers. But for the moment, words are unnecessary. The kiss has spoken volumes, revealing a connection that runs deeper than any feud or misunderstanding. We're bound by an unspoken promise, a determination to find the truth.

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, an odd blend of pain, confusion, and desperation blurring my vision. His words resonate within me, echoing my own turmoil. The passion we just shared feels like a promise, but the reality of our situation keeps its claws buried deep in my heart.

"I don't know what to believe anymore, Roman," I whisper, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I see sincerity in your eyes. I feel it every time we touch. But how do I reconcile that with everything I thought I knew?"

He steps closer, gently wiping away a tear that's escaped, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. "I wish I had all the answers, Valentina," he murmurs. "But the truth is, I'm as much in the dark as you are. All I know is what I feel, right here, right now."

I search his face, trying to find any hint of deceit, but find none. Just raw emotion and vulnerability. It's a side of him I've never seen before, and it throws me off balance.

"So what now?" I ask, my voice trembling.

Roman sighs deeply, looking skyward as if seeking guidance from the stars. "As much as it hurts me to say this," he begins, "we need to stay apart for a while. Until I know exactly what is going on. As long as the Chechen mob is involved, it's too risky."

My heart clenches at the thought. After everything we've been through, the thought of being apart from Roman feels unbearable. But I know he's right. The weight of our respective worlds is too great, and we risk being crushed under them.

"We'll figure this out," he promises, taking my hands in his. "Together. But for now, I need you to be safe. I need to know you're out of harm's way."

Tears stream down my face as the weight of our situation hits me full force. "I don’t want to be your enemy, Roman," I confess, my voice breaking.

His thumb strokes my cheek, his touch impossibly tender. "You never were, Valentina. And you never will be."

He pulls me into a tight embrace, our bodies melding together one last time, seeking comfort and solace in each other's arms. After what feels like both an eternity and an instant, he pulls away slightly, lowering his lips to mine for one final, lingering kiss. It's a kiss full of promise, hope, and a silent vow to find our way back to each other.

As he pulls away, he touches my face one last time, his fingers trailing down my cheek. "I promise to stay in touch," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll find a way to get us out of this mess. Just... stay safe, okay?"

I nod, the lump in my throat making it impossible to speak. He gives me one last lingering look, his green eyes filled with pain and determination, before turning away and disappearing into the shadows of the St. Petersburg night. Left alone in the alley, I clutch my chest, feeling the raw, gaping wound left behind by his absence. But deep down, I hold on to hope. The connection between us is too strong to be broken. And I have to believe that, somehow, we'll find our way back to each other.

Chapter 20


The high stone walls of the old cathedral echo with a somber silence that belies its history. Ornate, centuries-old frescoes look down upon the assembly like silent witnesses to the clandestine dealings of the Chechen mob. Heavy chandeliers dangle precariously, their candles casting eerie shadows onto the scene below. Abandoned by the faithful, it now serves a more sinister purpose. Tonight, it's the chosen venue for an emergency gathering with wooden pews replaced by a long, black oak table. Various gang members sit around it, the weight of the situation evident in their tense expressions.

The smell of stale incense hangs thick in the air, creating a grim atmosphere that seems to reinforce the urgency of this gathering. At the head of the table sits Vladimir, my older brother and the current head of the Chechen operations. He surveys the room with his steely blue eyes, waiting for everyone to settle down. The quiet murmur of hushed conversations dies down, replaced by a tense stillness. The weight of his gaze ensures no interruptions as he stands to address the room.

"Roman Nicolaevich," Vladimir begins, holding up a black and white photograph of the man I’ve come to know intimately, "poses a significant threat to our operations."

I grit my teeth, trying to keep my emotions in check. I’d hoped Roman would have flown under the radar for just a little longer. Yet here we are, discussing him as if he were some most-wanted criminal. I watch as the photograph circulates among the members, each one studying it with grim determination.

Vladimir continues, “We have given him more leeway than we would anyone else, and he continues to interfere with our business."

Clearing my throat, I interject, my voice strong and steady, even though I feel anything but. "He’s my mark. I've been working on it."

Vladimir narrows his eyes at me. There's a hard edge to his voice when he responds, “We've given you plenty of time to take him out, Valentina. Why hasn’t it been done?"

"These things take time," I shoot back, trying not to let the frustration seep into my voice. Trying to maintain a cool, detached demeanor.

"We're out of time!" Vladimir snaps, his patience visibly worn thin.

An uncomfortable hush settles over the room. I glance around, meeting the eyes of other members, trying to gauge their reactions. Most avoid my gaze, though a few offer me looks of sympathy. I don’t need their pity. I need time.

“The decision is final," Vladimir continues, his tone allowing no room for debate. "If anyone sees him, kill him on sight."

The gravity of the statement hangs heavy in the room.

As the meeting disperses, I struggle to maintain my composure. The stakes have never been higher. Each moment Roman remains in St. Petersburg, his life hangs by a thread. As the members filter out, their hushed voices a cacophony of conspiracies, I take a moment to absorb it all. The cathedral, with its grandeur and history, seems to mock me with its stoic silence.
