Page 57 of The Closer

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I unwrap the box and follow the instructions, then set the stick on the counter and sit on the edge of the bathtub, waiting.

Three minutes never felt so long. My mind races, contemplating the million directions my life could take based on what that stick is about to tell me. Finally, the timer on my phone goes off, jolting me out of my reverie.

I take a deep breath and stand up, turning toward the counter.

Chapter 29


Now that Nikita has told me that Valentina escaped from her brother and is safe and at my hotel, I can concentrate on other pressing matters.

I park the car in a somewhat shabby corner that provides a good sight line of the nondescript building Iosef is apparently calling home in a town called Sinyavino, barely an hour from St. Petersburg. I’m frankly surprised he stayed this close to home, but also relieved I didn’t have to travel for hours to find him in the Siberian tundra or someplace equally as difficult to navigate. I can feel Samuil next to me, his body humming with focus and anticipation. He’s always been like a human razor blade, sharp and ready to cut through any problem.

I break the silence, "There, that's him." A subtle nod directs Samuil's attention to the man coming out of the building.

Samuil leans closer, narrowing his eyes as he examines Iosef. “You think he’ll talk?" he asks, skepticism lacing his words.

"We have ways of making people talk," I reply, but my mind is on Valentina. What does Iosef's reemergence mean for her? For us?

Samuil seems to read my thoughts. "What about Valentina? Where does she stand if we bring him back?"

I exhale, contemplating the unfathomable complexities sure to arise. "One step at a time, Samuil. First, we get to the bottom of why he ran. Maybe it’ll offer Valentina some closure. Besides, if we want any chance against Vladimir, we need to know what we're dealing with here."

"Bold gamble," Samuil remarks, turning his gaze back to Iosef, who is now taking a long drag from a cigarette while fiddling with his phone.

"Life’s a gamble," I muse, feeling the weight of each second that ticks by. "But right now, Iosef is our wildcard, and I intend to play it."

Iosef takes one last puff, stubs the cigarette out under his shoe, and retreats back into his sanctuary.

I look at Samuil and ask, "Ready?"

We slide out of the car, blending with the evening shadows, and make our way into the building. Elevators are too conspicuous and too slow, so we take the stairs two at a time.

Finally, we're at his door. I can feel my pulse in my fingertips, that old familiar rush. My hand hovers over my holstered gun. This isn't just another job, another target. This is the man who could hold the key to everything I care about.

I glance at Samuil one last time. He gives me a curt nod, a silent promise of support.

With a surge of adrenaline, I kick the door open. Iosef’s eyes widen in shock and confusion, moving from me to Samuil and back again.

I can barely process the man’s face before he turns, bolting like a frightened deer. "Hey! Stop running!" I yell, more out of annoyance than necessity. We give chase down the back stairs of the apartment, but the guy's no athlete. It's clear why Valentina was the operative and he was the desk jockey.

We catch him in seconds, Samuil pinning his arms behind his back with a grip that makes him wince. "We didn't come here to kill you, Iosef. Relax," I say, locking eyes with him, trying to read the enigma before me. What the hell did Valentina ever see in this guy?

He looks up, confusion and terror swirling in his eyes. "What the fuck? Who are you?"

"No time for introductions. We're here for answers," I say, my tone icy. My patience for this charade has already worn thin.

He snorts nervously, "Answers to what?"

I take a deep breath, clenching and unclenching my fists. This is the man who broke Valentina’s heart, vanished from her life without a trace. I feel a surge of resentment; he's the reason she built all those walls I've been trying so hard to scale.

"I want to know what happened the day before your wedding," I demand. "Don’t even think about lying. I’ll know.”

Iosef's body tenses up. "How do you even know about that?"

"I know a lot of things, Iosef. And right now, I want to know why you left Valentina and made her think you were dead."

For a moment, he looks like he’s about to faint, but he collects himself, clearing his throat. "I don’t know what you're talking about. I left because of personal reasons."
