Page 58 of The Closer

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"Personal reasons?" I almost laugh. "You think you can vanish on the woman you're supposed to marry because of 'personal reasons'? You owe her the truth. You owe her closure."

Iosef looks down, defeated. "You don’t understand. It’s complicated."

"No, it's not. It's very simple. Someone got to you, scared you into leaving. Who was it? "

He looks away, avoiding my eyes. It's clear he knows something he's terrified to share, but I'm not leaving until he spills it. Valentina deserves to know, and I'll be damned if I let this mouse of a man continue to hold her emotional well-being hostage.

"Look, Iosef," I lower my voice, "right now, you're in the middle of a war you don't even know about. The Chechens, my Bratva, me. We're all fighting for something, and whether you like it or not, you're part of this. Now, you can continue to hide, or you can help us. Help Valentina. But make your choice fast because time's running out."

His eyes flicker to me, then to Samuil, and back to me. I can see him weighing his options, the gears turning in his head.

"Fine," he finally whispers, "but you have to promise to keep her safe."

I nod, my face hardening. "That's something you should've done a long time ago, Iosef. But better late than never."

As I pull out my phone to update the team, I feel a sense of grim satisfaction. This is the breakthrough we needed. But at what cost? What will this mean for Valentina? For us?

Iosef looks at me, his eyes filled with a regret that seems genuine but inadequate given the situation. Finally, he takes a deep breath and starts talking.

"Look, I loved Valentina. I really did. She was everything I could ever want, and the thought of spending my life with her seemed like a dream. But a few days before the wedding, she told me she was pregnant."

His eyes flicker as if replaying the scene in his mind. "And suddenly, it was like a wall of reality just crashed down on me. Fatherhood, marriage—those were roles I never really thought through. It was as if life suddenly had this gravity I couldn't escape from. The responsibilities, the expectations—everything scared the hell out of me."

I cross my arms, controlling my anger but letting him see the edge in my eyes. He hesitates but continues.

"So, I panicked. And in that panic, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I knew I couldn't call off the wedding. Valentina's brother is connected to the Chechen mob, for God's sake. Breaking off with her would have been a death sentence for me, or that's how it felt at the time."

Iosef runs a hand through his hair, obviously conflicted. "I had to make it look like I didn't have a choice, like I was dead. I figured, maybe, that way Valentina could move on without me, without all the mess that would come if I simply left her."

He sighs, shoulders dropping. "I didn't think it through. I didn't consider the repercussions, who would be blamed, or how deeply it would affect Valentina. I acted like a coward, and I've been living with that regret every single day since."

I look at him, forcing myself to remember why I'm here, why I need his confession. Iosef's eyes meet mine, and for the first time, I see a flicker of resolve.

I listen to his confession, my jaw clenched so tight it hurts. My mind is a storm of conflicting emotions. Anger at his cowardice, relief that he's alive and talking, but mostly, sympathy for Valentina. This revelation, coming from the man she was ready to marry, was another betrayal she didn't deserve.

"So, let me get this straight," I say, barely concealing the edge in my voice. "You bailed on Valentina because the thought of being a father scared you shitless? And you thought faking your death would be the best solution?"

Iosef nods, looking miserable but resolved. "Yes. I thought if it looked like I was taken out by a rival gang, then she'd be free and so would I. No one would come looking for me, and I wouldn't be held accountable."

I shake my head, incredulous. "You have any idea what you've done? What your cowardice caused? Valentina's been living a life of hell since you left. You gave her hope, a future, and then you ripped it away. And that’s to say nothing of your boy.”

Iosef swallows hard, his eyes filled with regret. "I know. I know it was selfish, and I regret it every day. I thought she'd move on, be better off without me. I never thought it would come to this."

I resist the urge to slam my fist into the wall. "Well, it has. Because of you, my Bratva and the Chechens are close to all-out war. Valentina's a target. Her son's a target. Hell, even I've been dragged into this. Was running away worth all this?"

Iosef looks defeated, his eyes downcast. "No, of course not. If I could take it back, I would. But what can I do now?"

I step closer to him, lowering my voice. "You can start by cooperating. You're going to explain all of this to Valentina. She deserves to hear it from you, and you owe her the truth. And then you're going to help us. With your confession, we may be able to prevent a war, but you have to come clean, to everyone."

He hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Alright. I'll do it. I'll cooperate."

I nod, suppressing a sigh of relief. "Good. That's the first sensible thing you've done in a long time."

As I step out, a flurry of thoughts whirl in my mind. I've gotten what I came for, but at what price? Iosef's revelation is bound to shatter Valentina, adding another layer of complexity to our already fragile relationship. And then there's the war, teetering on the edge, its outcome resting on how well we play our cards from here on out.

Iosef was the missing puzzle piece, the key to understanding Valentina's past. But now, more than ever, I realize solving a puzzle doesn't necessarily make the picture any less complicated. We have the truth, but whether that will be our salvation or our undoing, only time will tell.

My blood boils as I process Iosef's confession, a tumultuous blend of anger and indignation churning within me. How could he be so cowardly? How could he just walk away from Valentina, from Ilya, like they were mere collateral damage in his life?
