Page 7 of The Closer

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Chapter 3


Asharp tension cuts through the room as the faces of my brothers stare back at me from the screen. Their eyes, filled with a mix of concern and impatience, are laser-focused on me.

Andrei's voice, calm yet edged with severity, breaks the silence. “Roman, we need to know what happened. The mayor's dead, and the word on the street is it wasn’t natural causes. You were there. What did you see?"

I lean back in my chair, the events of the evening replaying in my mind, but something else keeps tugging at my thoughts – the alluring Galina Ivanova. I shake the distraction away, refocusing on the task at hand.

"I saw nothing unusual, Andrei," I reply, my voice steady. "The mayor was fine when I last spoke with him. The coughing started during his speech… then got worse.”

Leo's face tightens, his eyes narrowing, the milky gray of his ruined eye more intense than usual. “This is a mess, Roman. We can't afford any mistakes. If the police can link you to the scene of the crime, it could unravel everything.”

"I'm well aware, Leo," I snap, irritation bubbling within me. "I've always managed things before. Trust me to handle this."

I think back to the gala, how I’d been stuck to the mayor like a barnacle on the side of a ship – a charming barnacle, but one all the same. No doubt more than a few guests of the evening noticed me.

Andrei raises a hand, silencing the brewing argument. "We trust you, Roman, but we need to be extra cautious now. You’re in St. Petersburg, not Moscow. We don't have the same connections there."

Damien, the “bastard,” chimes in, his voice tinged with frustration. "Find out who's responsible for the mayor's death. If it's another family making a play, we need to know."

Samuil, the most hotheaded of us, finally speaks up. "And be careful, Roman. If someone wanted the mayor out of the picture, they might have eyes on you too."

The weight of their words settles over me, a reminder of the precarious predicament I'm engaged in. The stakes are high, and one wrong move could spell disaster.

"I'll handle it," I assure them, my voice filled with the confidence that's earned me my reputation as the Closer. "I'll find out who's behind this, and I'll make sure our interests in St. Petersburg are secure."

There's a pause, a silent acknowledgment of the trust and responsibility placed on my shoulders.

"Good," Leo finally says, his voice firm. "Keep us updated."

Andrei's stern gaze bores into me through the screen. "Roman, you've always been able to navigate treacherous waters, but this is different. Something feels off. We need you to be extra vigilant."

"I understand the stakes," I reply, not allowing doubt to creep into my voice. "But the mayor's death isn't going to slow me down. I'm already making progress.”

"Oh?" Leo's interest is piqued, his previous annoyance giving way to curiosity. "What sort of progress?”

A smirk forms on my lips. "I've arranged to meet with some local leaders at an exclusive underground poker game tonight. A handful of whales will be there, ready to be reeled in. It's the perfect opportunity to schmooze and rub elbows."

Damien raises an eyebrow. "A poker game? That's your plan?"

I meet his skepticism with confidence. "It's more than just a game, Damien. I'll be playing with men who control vast resources, men who could become powerful allies. Many of the wealthiest and most influential men and women in the city will be there.”

Samuil nods thoughtfully. "It could work, but be careful, Roman. Poker is a game of deception, and you might not be the only one playing with hidden cards."

I lean back, absorbing the wisdom in his words. "I know what I'm doing, Samuil. I've played this game before."

"You've played in Moscow, not there," Andrei interjects, his voice filled with brotherly concern. "St. Petersburg is a different beast, brother. The dynamics, the players, they're all new."

"I appreciate the warning, Andrei," I respond, my voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "But I'm the Closer for a reason. I can handle this."

The room falls into a heavy silence, each brother weighing my words, their trust in me battling against the uncertainty of the situation.

Finally, Leo speaks, his voice softened. "We know you can, Roman. We trust you. Just… tread carefully. We can't afford any missteps."

Andrei's eyes meet mine, a silent agreement passing between us. "Keep us in the loop. If something's afoot, we need to know."

"I will," I promise, feeling the gravity of the moment. "I'll get to the bottom of this and establish our empire in the city while I’m at it. Nothing’s going to stop me.”
