Page 74 of The Closer

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As I walk into the house, the sight that greets me could not be more perfect. Milenoë is at the dining room table, engrossed in her homework, the soft light casting a golden glow on her features. I can't help but marvel at how much she resembles her mother—those expressive, dark eyes, that indomitable spirit.

"Studying hard, or hardly studying?" I quip as I pass her.

"Dad, that joke is older than you," she replies, rolling her eyes in that exaggerated teenage fashion – all the same, she smiles too.

Ilya and Milenoë fall right into their habitual sibling banter, trading barbs and teasing each other about everything and nothing. I can't help but laugh, my heart swelling at the sheer, unadulterated love I feel for my family.

Making my way into the kitchen, I find the axis on which my world turns—Valentina. She's lost in concentration, expertly dicing vegetables with the same precision I've seen her apply in far more dangerous contexts. I pause for a moment, simply to appreciate her. It's been years, but somehow, she still manages to take my breath away, her beauty deepening like a fine wine maturing with time.

Moving as quietly as my size will allow, I attempt to sneak up on her. Just as I'm about to surprise her, she turns slightly.

"You know, sneaking up on an assassin is never a good idea," she warns, a teasing lilt in her voice.

"Formerassassin," I correct her, closing the distance between us.

She turns fully now, looking up at me with those eyes that still have the power to make my knees weak. Our lips meet, and for a moment, the world narrows down to just this—us, the love we've built, and the family we've created.

Pulling away reluctantly, she looks at me curiously. "So, how'd it go? Did you survive teaching our son the fine art of driving?"

I chuckle, looping an arm around her waist. "Survive? Barely. But Ilya got the hang of it. He's a natural, just needs a little more confidence behind the wheel."

"That's great to hear," she says, her eyes twinkling with maternal pride.

"But that's not all we talked about," I continue, filling her in on our heart-to-heart. "You know, our boy's growing up, starting to think about his place in the world."

She nods, her expression thoughtful. "It's a lot for a seventeen-year-old to handle, but if anyone can guide him through it, it's you."

"You give me too much credit," I reply, tightening my grip around her. "We're a team, remember? It's your wisdom and love that make this family complete."

She smiles, and we kiss again, sealing our unspoken vows anew. As I stand there, arm still wrapped around Valentina, I notice her expression change. Her eyes drift away for a moment, as if she's contemplating a distant horizon only she can see.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, concerned.

She chuckles, snapping back to the present. "You always did know how to read me."

"Comes with the territory," I reply, my eyes searching hers. "But you seem far away. Should I be worried?"

Her smile grows broader, almost teasing. "Worried? No. But I might have a little surprise for you.”

She takes my hand and places it gently on her belly. "Two surprises, to be exact."

It takes a moment for the weight of her words to sink in. When they do, my eyes widen, my heart soaring at the implication. Twins. Before I can ask for details, or even formulate a coherent thought, the sound of footsteps grows louder, and Ilya and Milenoë burst into the kitchen.

"Ew, Mom, Dad, get a room!" Milenoë exclaims, feigning teenage disgust as we share another kiss.

"I second that," Ilya chimes in, though his grin betrays his true feelings.

Valentina and I exchange a knowing look above their heads, both of us amused and infinitely proud of the family we've built.

The kids' playful banter continues, filling the room with youthful energy and laughter. But in that brief, quiet moment where I realized our family is growing yet again, my heart feels like it could burst from sheer joy and love. Twins. The word dances in my mind, creating a crescendo of excitement and awe.

Just when I think my life is as full as it could possibly be, fate—or love, or whatever cosmic force guides these things—proves me wrong, gifting me with more to cherish, more to protect, and more to love.

So here we are, standing in the center of our universe—our home—with the promise of new life and new joys on the horizon. I couldn't ask for a better ending, or rather, a new beginning. The room echoes with the sound of our family, a symphony of voices, each one a note in the love song that is our life.

And as I share one more kiss with Valentina—ignoring the exaggerated groans of our children—I realize this is it: the ever-expanding, infinitely beautiful tapestry of our shared existence. I wouldn't have it any other way.

The End
