Page 6 of Abyss

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“Go home now!” Grayson said. He sounded irritated. Kevin’s eyes widened and he nodded, moving slowly away from Grayson, then turning around and running out of Teo’s house.

“I’m at fault here, Teo,” Grayson said, his voice barely audible in the tense silence that followed Kevin’s exit. “I had no idea he was meeting someone tonight.”

Teo let out a deep sigh, his dark eyes softening as he looked at me. “It’s not your fault. You’re not your men.”

“But I am responsible for my men,” Grayson countered.

“You should have toldme,“ Victor said, frowning. “You knew about this date?”

Teo shook his head. “Kevin was supposed to keep me updated. But apparently, he decided to play hide and seek with the local authorities instead.”

“Let’s take a breath here,” Jace said from the sofa, not looking up from his laptop. His fingers were moving rapidly over the keyboard. I could see lines of codes flickering on the screen. He was already on the job, trying to find out everything about the man who had been with my brother.

“Take a breath? My girl’s brother is in custody, Jace!” Teo said, his voice echoing in the quiet room.

“I get it, I’m upset too. But yelling is not going to help,” Jace replied, his focus still on the screen.

Grayson moved from the corner of the room, heading towards the kitchen. He returned moments later with a cup of coffee for me, his chiseled features set in a grim expression.

Teo losing his temper was something they were all clearly used to, but I still found it confusing and disorienting. And we also knew this was just the beginning of a nerve-wracking hunt for answers.

“We will find out what’s going on, Sof,” Grayson said, his warm hand squeezing my shoulder comfortingly. “Your brother will be out before you know it.”

I glanced at him and then at the rest of the guys. Despite the fear knotting in my stomach, I couldn’t deny one fact…I was lucky.Lucky to have people like them, regardless of the danger we were about to face. And with that thought, I found a shred of strength to carry on. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

And sometimes, all you needed was a start. At least that was what I told myself, anyway.

“Let’s focus on Sam instead of Kevin here,” Grayson said.

Teo glared at him, but he nodded.

“Sam? A killer?” I stammered, my fingers tightening around the warm ceramic mug. “That’s impossible.”

Teo sighed, running his hand through his dark hair. “It doesn’t surprise me that the cops are trying to set some shit up. They probably have evidence on him.”

“Then the evidence is wrong!” I snapped, slamming the mug down on the table with enough force to spill the steaming liquid onto the worn wood. I couldn’t deny that I was angry too; if Sam was at the police station, that meant he was in danger from Captain Monroe. Something Teo had specifically told me he would protect him from. The very idea that would turn my brother’s entire department against him made my blood run cold. “My brother would never hurt anyone like that.”

“Listen,” Teo said, putting a calming hand on my shoulder. “I’m not saying he did it. We all know this whole thing is fucking bullshit. I’m just telling you what I heard. You should go see him, talk to him about this.”

“Of course I’ll see him!” I stood up abruptly, nearly knocking over the chair. “Take me to him. Now.”

Teo nodded and grabbed his keys, leading me out to his car. “You guys keep working on this person’s identity, okay?” he told the rest of the Blades before he put his hand on the small of my back and led me down the driveway toward his car.

The drive to the local detention center felt like an eternity as my mind raced with thoughts of Sam being accused of such a horrifying crime.

We arrived at the imposing brick building, and I could feel the oppressive atmosphere settling in around us.

“Remember,” he said, his grip tightening around my hand. “We’re here for Sam.”

His honeygold eyes smoldered with intensity. His hands on mine weren’t comforting, they were a call to action. His voice, stripped of pretense, of bravado, echoed in the walls of the car around him. Focused not on comforting lies but harsh truths, he still left the danger we were in unspoken between us.

“Are you okay to walk in there?” I asked as we looked at the sign that said Police hanging over the door.

“Yeah, I’m not going to burst into flames or anything,” he replied, winking at me.

I laughed. “Alright. Let’s go find out.”
