Page 153 of Hurt in Her Eyes

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“I will do that.” Frankie was next to her, watching Ember. Frankie liked to do that. Frankie leaned over—kissed her baby sister on her little head, then took off after her slightly older cousins Milan and Nalla, and Miguel’s little Raine, who was a month younger. Seeing those preschoolers now always reminded her of Cara, Cashlyn, and Hope when they had been that little. Romping around, causing all sorts of havoc everywhere they went.

One day, Cara and Cashlyn and Hope, and Summer and Samia, and Eden and Crispin—at least some of them would have children, eventually. There would be even more babies and children in their family someday.

They would go on. All of them. Like they always had before.

The continuity of her family hit her hard. Almost distracted her from the fact she was on the phone with one of the TSP’s most wanted fugitives.

Beck Barratt was the same age as Frankie. Handley was that boy’s father. There wasn’t anything Heather wouldn’t do for her babies. She suspected this man was the same way. “Handley, Beck is…adjusting very well, I’ve heard. He’s going to be okay in time. From what I’ve heard, Melody utterly adores him. Houghton, too. He plays with Melody’s nephews and nieces almost daily. He will be okay.”

“Thank you for that. I knew he would be, with Houghton and Melody. But… letting him go… it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, Heather. But also one of the greatest. He was my gift, even though he was entirely unexpected. And one I did not deserve. I know that.”

“I can understand that.” Her arm tightened around Ember as she watched Frankie playing. Sometimes she wondered what she had done to deserve the daughters she had been given. She loved them so much words couldn’t say.

“I’m sure you can.” He cleared his throat. “Now, I understand your Hope came home this morning. May I speak with her, please? I suspect she is in there listening.”

“Figured me out, haven’t you?”

“My dear, I doubt there is any man on the planet capable of figuring out a woman like you completely.”

“You are a very smart man, aren’t you?” She had to smile. The man had the charm, just like Hope had said.

“So I have heard. Now, Hope, my dear, are you listening?”

“Yeah, I’m here, really rich fugitive dude,” Hope said from the couch next to where Heather sat. Heather shifted to her left a little. Held the phone closer to her sister.

“I am glad you are doing well, sweetheart.”

“Yeah, me too. Thanks for the lift, by the way. Mads and I really appreciated it,” Hope said.

“I’m sure you did. I am just glad I was there to help you when you needed me. Now, you make certain that beautiful mother of yours takes good care of you.”

“She always has,” Hope said as the door opened and Cara came in, glaring at the man who had followed her, storm clouds on his far too handsome face. Eden caught them in the foyer and shushed them.

“I will, Mr. Handley Barratt.” Heather emphasized his name. As she watched his nephew’s reaction. She was still half convinced one of the Barratts knew where he was, and was helping him. Possibly one of the half-dozen nephews he had that were attorneys. Wealth and power—it made men think they could break the rules with impunity, after all.

“Thank you for taking care of my baby girl,” Bonnie said. “I mean that, Mr. Barratt.”

Heather watched Alex Barratt’s eyes widen as he realized who they were speaking with. She thought his expression was genuine.

“The world is a much better place with her in it, Bonnie Coleson. We both know that. She is a credit to the woman who raised her. Tell that nephew of mine to behave himself with your younger daughter when next you see him.”

“You can tell him yourself, Handley,” Heather told him, taking a gamble. “Alex is standing here next to Cara now. They just came in together. I think they have been arguing in the back yard over our pet ducks again.”

“Alex! My boy! What an unexpected pleasure.” That pleasure was definitely in his tone now. He probably loved his nephews as much as she loved her nieces.

“Are you in trouble, Uncle Handley?” Alex asked. He was a fast one, no denying that. “Do you need an attorney?”

Heather shot the man a glare. He just smirked back at her. He was such an arrogant ass. But a part of her respected that he was up front about it. That was a very confident man in front of her. He irritated her niece completely. Yet he somehow always seemed to turn up at their house—around mealtimes—lately.

“Not yet, young man. Not yet. I will eventually. You behave yourself with that young lady. Be a gentleman, like I know your mother taught you to be. Now, I was just calling to check on Hope, actually. I have been greatly concerned for that girl. I’m…going to go now.”

“I’ll be okay, Mr. Barratt. When you do come back, I’m going to run away with you, okay? I’ll just have to fight Mads for you first. Second place gets your bodyguard, though. Tell him…thanks, too.”

He laughed. “Thank you for that, my dear. And I will. You two girls—take care of yourselves, understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” Hope said, leaning back against the couch. She was tiring, already.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Alex said. “As an attorney, I’m telling you…do the right thing and turn yourself in. But keep your mouth shut until an attorney can get to you, Uncle Handley.”

“When the time is right, I will allow myself to be caught. By Heather, only. Remember that, Heather, my dear. Alex, young man, tell your father and brothers and sister and your cousins that I love them. And I always have. I always will. I love you, too. I want you all to know that.”

“We know. We have always known. Don’t do anything you shouldn’t. I mean that.”

“I’m going to finish what I started. Then… Heather Coleson… you gorgeous creature—you and I will be meeting face-to-face someday. I can promise it. You… are the kind of woman guaranteed to make a man sit up and take notice. To lead him on a merry chase. I’m looking forward to you catching me. Take care of yourself, my dear. Until we meet face-to-face.”

“I’ll hold you to that, Mr. Barratt. I’ll be waiting.”

When she disconnected her eyes met Miguel’s.

Just what in the world was Handley Barratt doing now?
