Page 19 of Talon

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He nodded again, adding a growl.

“I guess that means you like me,” I grinned.

He rolled his hips, pressing his cock into my hand. “I don’t just like you, Abigail Holmes. I fucking want you. In my bed. On my bike.” He tapped his heart. “And right fucking here.”

I blinked, pulling my hand away. “I don’t know you, Talon. We just met.”

Did I want to get to know him? Yes! Was I worried I’d be another woman in the long list he fucked and left behind? Yes.

He frowned. “Okay. I accept that. For you, it’s only been a few days. For me, it’s been over two months. I already know everything I need to know about you, baby.”

“Really?” I asked with a shiver. “Like what?”

“Hold on. We’ll come back to that.” Talon held up the blanket. “Take off the rest. We need to let those clothes air dry.”

Five minutes later, I sat on an overturned crate, bundled in the blanket and naked underneath. Talon finished forming a bunch of rocks into a circle, tossing in pieces of dry wood and hay he’d found while searching the barn. He flicked his lighter and touched the flame inside the pit, igniting the dry kindling. The fire sparked to life, quickly consuming the hay but burning into the logs until the barn grew warm.

I finally began to thaw, no longer shivering as my fingers and toes relaxed. “You’re good at this. I bet you were a boy scout.”

He snorted. “Fuck no. I learned this shit from my sponsor when I prospected for the Devil’s Murder.”

“How old were you?”


Wow. “That’s young.”

“Not too young to know what I wanted out of life.”

Fair enough.

Talon crouched in front of the fire, lifting his hands to test the heat. “It’ll burn for a while. I’ve got plenty of logs to add to it. We’ll have dry clothes in a few hours.”

He already draped our things nearby. . .which left him in nothing but a pair of dark boxer briefs that hugged his muscular thighs.

I tried not to stare at his bare back or the dark ink spreading across his broad shoulders, covering every inch from his neck to his waist. A mural of fascinating artwork that included a giant crow perched on a hill of skulls, overlooking a graveyard. Several names were scrolled across the headstones, including Rook. For some reason, the name sounded familiar.

Talon turned and faced me, stretching as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. My greedy gaze devoured the taut muscles and his chiseled, perfectly shaped abdominalsbefore slipping lower, admiring the two V-shaped muscular grooves alongside his hips.

“See anything you like, beautiful?”

Shit. He caught my stare. I decided to be honest since I asked the same of him. “Yes.”

His lips twitched at the corners. “Love that about you, baby. You’re a breath of fresh air.”

“Because I’m not a liar?”

“Well, yes, partially, but also because I find it fucking sexy that you keep your word, you’re honest, hardworking, and you’ve got a killer smile.”

I couldn’t help blushing at his compliments.

“Get used to me saying those things. You need to hear them. Whatever fucked up shit your stepdad or anyone else said to you doesn’t matter. It’s not true.”

“I appreciate you think so, Talon.”

He shook his head, lowering to his knees in front of me. “I’ve been watching you, Gail. Iseeyou.” His palm cradled the side of my face as he leaned closer. “You’re fucking beautiful, but that’s not what makes my heart pound. It’s you.Everyfuckingthingabout you.”

“You’re good,” I whispered, lifting my finger to trace the black raven’s wings that stretched from his left shoulder, across his chest, and around his right shoulder. More black ink swirled above and up his neck, stopping underneath his jaw. My fingertips grazed the edge, pulling away but he reached out and snatched my hand, dropping a kiss on top.
