Page 8 of Talon

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I almost asked him what else was on his mind but decided against it. He still had to work through all the mental shit from his father’s murder and the shock of learning he had a sister. Add in Undertaker and the need for vengeance, and I could understand all the emotions clogging his mind. I fucking felt that shit, even through the phone.

“If anything happens, I’m the first to know. Not Eagle Eye. Not Raven. Me. You got that, Talon?”

“Yeah, pres, I do.”

“She’s all the blood I got left. You feel me?”

I did. “She’s family, Crow. My life for hers.” I meant it.

An outsider might not understand the oath I just made or its significance, but Crow did. “I won’t forget this.”

I made that promise as his brother, his friend, and a member of his family. The Devil’s Murder was more than a motorcycle club. The bond we shared was unbreakable, as deep and infinite as the one we shared with the crows.

“Gotta run. I’ll be in contact, pres.”

“Stay sharp,” he growled, ending the call.

I pocketed my phone, focusing on my only duty: protecting Abigail. Dawn began to creep over the horizon, and I knew I would have to leave the yard before anyone saw me. I didn’t need nosy neighbors cocking this up. Or worse, someone calling the goddamn sheriff’s office.

Before I left, I checked on Abigail. She slept peacefully, a small smile tugging on her lips. I wanted to know what she dreamed about, what secret fluttered in her heart, and why she suddenly seemed to relax as soon as I approached, like she could sense I was there.

The connection between us was real. I didn’t imagine it.

The crow knew. I knew. And soon. . . Abigail would know, too.

“FUCK,” I CURSED, BOUNCINGmy leg as I waited for Crow’s sister to exit the pharmacy where she worked. Her shift should have ended about ten minutes ago, and she usually left right on the dot. I never saw her stay late. It wasn’t needed. The pharmacy was fully staffed.

My thoughts centered on the last two months and all that happened since Crow learned about Abigail. The late nights. All her dates. Those asshole Grime cousins. None of that mattered when I stared into the stormy gray eyes that matched her brother’s. She had become my entire focus.

For the last few days, I stayed vigilant, watching over her as my pres asked. He texted that he didn’t want me to interfere in Abigail’s life. His pops had kept her a secret, and none of us knew why. Rook, our dead former pres, should have told his son if no one else, but he didn’t.

He died with that knowledge.

But then an envelope arrived with Rook’s handwriting, addressed to Crow, and documents enclosed with Crow’s sister’s name on them, and Crow had to know if she was alive. I couldn’t deny my new pres. Anything he wanted, hell, anything the fucking Holmes family needed, I wouldn’t hesitate to provide. I owed them that fucking much. And it wasn’t just Rook and Crow.

Patching into the Devil’s Murder saved my life.

So, I didn’t hesitate to ride to the address Eagle Eye provided and find Abigail Holmes. It turned out she was thriving, fuckingbeautiful, and living in Carson City. From what I could see, she had a good life here. She seemed happy.

Well, other than the night I ran off Nick.

I hadn’t left Carson City since Crow sent me here, and I couldn’t lie to myself that the gig wasn’t a good one. I got to spend my time stalking a sexy brunette, and I didn’t have to do shit but ensure she got to where she was going each day safely.

I stood outside for half an hour, agitated as fuck, until Abigail appeared. Her expression explained it. She’d had a rough day, and it showed. My chest constricted as I watched her sag against the driver’s side door of her ocean-blue Kia Seltos, heaving a sigh and brushing a tear from her cheek.

Someone made her cry. Fuck.

My hands clenched. My heart pounded. Rage simmered under my skin. They. Would. Pay. As soon as I found out what happened, I’d find the motherfucker who dared to upset her.

I tailed the SUV to her house, parking down the street like I did every night. Jogging to her place, I crept among the shadows, watching her park in her garage.

I should have noticed something was off.

The crows landed on her roof, cawing like mad.

When I heard her scream, all bets were off. I didn’t care about my orders. I didn’t give a fuck who I pissed off. If someone were hurting that sweet girl, I would enjoy ripping them apart and the crows feasting on their organs.
