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“We’d had this arrangement for a couple of months. But about a week ago, Melissa came to me and said she didn’t feel comfortable doing…what she’d been doing with Matt anymore in light of the time we’d been spending together. She said it felt too strange.”

“How did you react to that?” Jessie asked.

“I understood,” Helen replied. “But the very reason we got involved with her in the first place was for him. So it became this untenable situation. She didn’t want to be with Matt anymore. But she and I couldn’t realistically go on trips to the mall and leave him hanging. So we all agreed it had to end.”

“And everybody was cool with that?”

“I wouldn’t say ‘cool,’” Matthew admitted. “But we were all adults so we made the best of it.”

“Are you sure you weren’t a little more upset than that, Mr. Zellers?” Jessie tweaked. You’re a powerful, wealthy TV producer and you’re getting the brush-off from this underage nobody?”

“Wait, what?” he said, his voice rising.

“Yeah, that’s the other thing,” Jessie said. “Michaela wasn’t an adult like the two of you. She was seventeen. You were technically paying for sex with a child.”
