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Inside the envelope were photos of three men, all taken while they slept. Jessie didn’t recognize any of them. She was debating how to best identify them when her phone rang. It was Captain Decker. Her heart sank.

“This is Hunt,” she said, trying to sound upbeat. “What’s up, Captain?”

“Where are you right now?” he demanded.

“I’m looking into a personal issue,” she said carefully.

“That’s interesting. Because I thought I ordered you and Hernandez to handle that tennis coach murder.”

“Yes, Captain,” she said as soothingly as she could. “I just resolved the issue and was about to join him.”

“Hunt, let me be clear. If I find out that you are pursuing the Penn murder, after I explicitly pulled you off it, you will be brought up on disciplinary charges. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.”

Decker hung up without another word.


When Jessie pulled up to the Beverly Country Club in Hancock Park, Ryan was just walking out of the clubhouse.

“Solve the case yet?” she asked cheekily as she got out of her car.

“Pretty much,” he answered.

“You’re serious?” Jessie said, impressed.

“Yup,” Ryan answered, unable to hide a proud smile. “The tennis coach, Paulo Risotre, was actually killed in the men’s locker room. His head was smashed in with a glass vase. Then he was dragged out to the court and the killer smashed him a few more times with a racket, which was left near the body. We have footage of the killer moving the body outside. He was wearing a hoodie but we think we know who he is.”

“How’s that?” Jessie asked.

“Because afterward, this genius in the hoodie got into a car and drove off. Surveillance footage caught the license plate. It belongs to a club member named Warren Cresper. Talk around the club is that Paulo was giving more than just tennis lessons to Cresper’s wife, Maddy. Now we’re just waiting for fingerprints on the vase and racket to come back.”

“What does Cresper say?” Jessie wanted to know.

“Conveniently enough, Mr. Cresper is currently booked on a three-fifteen flight to Bahia Blanca, Argentina. We have people headed to LAX now to greet him before he leaves.”

“Wow,” Jessie marveled. “It sounds like you’ve got this thing all squared away without my help.”

“Yeah, well, we’re not dealing with a criminal mastermind here. But I’m not sure Decker’s going to consider that an excuse for you to go off pursuing ‘personal’ issues.”

Jessie decided to let the mild dig slide.

“He already expressed his displeasure,” she conceded. “If it turns out my business wasn’t legitimately personal, he’s submitting me for disciplinary action.”

Ryan shook his head.

“Then I sure hope it was worth it.”

“It wasn’t personal, Ryan,” she said flat out. “I’m sure you’re shocked to hear that. But I do think it was worth it. I was following up a lead and I think it’s promising.”

“Why are you telling me this?” he asked.

“Because I need to know if you think this is legit or if I’m just chasing my tail here. I’m starting to lose perspective.”

He shook his head.

“You realize that by asking for my thoughts, you’re technically involving me in the case and putting me at risk of discipline?”
