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He whispers my name.

One more spurt of warm liquid spills from him. Then he pulls out. Automatically, I reach for the blindfold.

A firm hand snatches my wrist and pins my hand in place. “Don’t.”

Right. I forgot.

I forgot myself for a moment in the madness of sex with a guy that felt like more than work. World-shaking and erotic sex that did more for me in a few minutes of his mouth on my pussy, than most clients achieve in a whole session. If his words earlier weren't enough to remind me, his reprimand sure is.

I come easily. Always have. One reason I’ve always found sex work palatable. I can usually come regardless how badly my clients perform. But with Erserro it was something else.

“Sorry,” I mumble, feeling ashamed. I’m usually much better at remembering a client’s instructions and catering to his needs. It should be even easier with Erserro since he’s looking out for my welfare on this one.

With a sigh, he releases my hand. A light caress brushes the side of my cheek.

“You must be careful, flower. You’ll get used to the blindfold.”

I nod. I don’t know if I will, though. It’s hard to gauge how he’s feeling without seeing his face or body. I like to know my client is feeling happy and content. That I’ve fulfilled their every desire.

It’s a source of pride.

That’s hard to judge with him. Though, I hope the fact I’m covered in his cooling mess indicates he enjoyed himself, at least a little. I know I did.

God, what am I doing? It’s probably a bad sign if I forget myself around him.

Erserro is a good client. The best. I’ll just have to work harder at pleasing him and remember what I’m here for. It’s probably a good thing he qualified his praise. I needed a reminder I’m just the sex worker. He’s my client. I’m sure as hell experienced and good enough to make sure I do better.

“Should I clean up?”

He touches my cheek again. “Do you want to? I would enjoy looking at you like this a little longer, but if it bothers you, you may.”

I smile. “I don’t mind it.” Running my hand up my belly, I find the place on my chest where his thick seed splattered me and rub it in.

His indrawn breath makes my pussy squeeze.

His hand covers mine and he directs our linked palms to my breasts. The slick of his cum feels delicious as it slides over my sensitive nipples. Another large hand covers my left breast. He lifts and plumps the flesh until my nipples are peaked and aching for more.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen such beautiful breasts.”

I can’t help the way my smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, stretching it into a grin. I could get used to all the compliments.

One thing I long for, though, is to see him. I’ve never found a client so attractive. His toned body excites me, though I only glimpsed his shifted form before he blindfolded me. I want more. So much more. I want to see the way he moves. The monstrous beauty of it.

But I’m not the client. He is.

“It must be frustrating having to wear glasses all the time,” I say. “Even indoors. Does it make it difficult to see?”

With a hand at my back, Erserro helps me to sit, guiding me to turn and rest against the bedhead.

“You have no idea. Sometimes I long to tear them off and look at the world properly. Especially when I see a flower as beautiful as you are. The moment I saw you at the casino it was torture to have them on.”

I feel slightly less annoyed by my blindfold. At least I don’t have to wear it all the time. And I’m not hating the compliment.

He takes my hand and guides it around a cool glass. “Drink.”

I take a sip. “Thank you.”

“I won’t keep you in darkness. I’ll leave you in a moment. I meant what I said about making yourself at home here. There’s no need to leave until you’re ready, or at all until I am finished with you. After today, I’m not sure that will be any time soon. Do not enter the grounds except via the door you came in by. And don’t go through the red doors.”
