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She reaches out to hold my arm as the ground becomes unsteady under our feet and glances up at me. I’d like to shift. It would make navigating the path a lot easier, but undressing in public is problematic in this day and age, so I resist.

“What do you mean?” she asks me.

“That guy back there. I know you’re perfectly capable of defending yourself. So why didn’t you?”

She shrugs. “What for?”

I consider her words for a while. As we round the bend to the south, we come to where the sunlight touches the cliffs. I lead her off the path and down to a bench half hidden by scrubby bushes.

“This is nice.” She smiles benignly at me.

I frown. “Don’t skirt the question.”

“I’m not. There’s no point telling people off. It won’t change their minds. They’ll see me however they want to see me.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “I don’t buy it. You go to a lot of effort to give off a good impression. I’ve seen you. At the casino with that asshole dragon.”

She laughs. “Chaldro? He is, isn’t he?”

“Yes. So why are you nice to him?”

“Well with him, because he’s paying.”

“So does that mean you’re not telling me all the things you’re thinking? Are you just pandering to me the way you do with him?”

She chews her lip, looking down instead of meeting my eye. “No. With you I find it hard. I told myself to try harder, but here I am, saying the first thing that comes into my head.” She shrugs. “I can’t seem to help it.”

Lifting her chin, I bring her gaze to mine again. “Don’t. I don’t want you holding back. I want you to be open with me.”

The hint of a smile plays at her lips. “Deal. But will you do the same?”

I pause. There are some things I’d rather not say. Yet I nod. “I will.”

We sit until the sun slips below the horizon and Tamsin shivers. My body is stiff and sluggish on the walk back, but I don’t care one bit. It’s been a joy to be near her even when I’m not touching her. I don’t know what to do with that feeling. It’s not one I’ve had in many centuries.

So, like always, I bottle it up to store somewhere and think about later.



As we near the large leafy street where Erserro’s mansion is, he slides a hand onto my thigh. “Stay tonight?”

I’m surprised. He sounds almost sentimental. I wouldn’t have picked him for the type. I soften my voice to give him the bad news. “I can’t stay. I have a cat who needs her dinner!”

“Ah.” He’s quiet as we wait for the automatic gates to open. And all the way up the drive.

I’ve probably pissed him off. He’s the kind of guy used to getting what he wants. I wrack my brain for a joke or a compliment to lighten his mood.

Erserro gets out of the car and opens my door, extending a hand to help me out. When I take it, he yanks me close to him, pulling me against his body with his other hand. “Then I must have you again before you go.” His voice has gone low. Deep and rich, it creeps sensual hands up my thighs and brushes my core with its caress.

I try to laugh, but it comes out a little breathless. “I’m not sure you really had me last time, did you?”

The corner of his full lips curves up into a smile and I’m no longer worried I’ve pissed him off.

“Oh, is that right, flower? Did I leave you disappointed?”

I shake my head. “Hardly, but I got the impression you wanted more than a blow job.”
