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I nod, mouth dry, as he unbuttons his shirt.

“You know I like this sass from you, flower. But don’t think I won’t punish you for it later.”

My core tightens and I press my legs together to savor the awareness of his promise in my pussy. “Mmm, I hope so.”

Finally, he finishes on the buttons and slides his arms out of his shirt. I take a moment to appreciate the sculpted ridges of his muscled abdomen and lean hips. “More, please.”

“Greedy.” He begins on his belt.

I nod. “I love the way you look. I could look at you for hours.”

He laughs. “I might be patient, but I’m not patient enough for that.”

I’m about to reply, but then he tugs his ruined pants over his hips and I catch sight of two hard cocks already peeking from the opening in his body.

My mouth falls open as they emerge. Each glistens slightly at the tip, lengthening more and more until I can’t believe there’s more. How do I underestimate his size every time? Finally, Erserro grips the shaft of the larger lower cock and strokes it slowly up and down. “Not feeling very patient right now.”

I huff a laugh. “Ah, yeah. Me neither.” God, my pussy is soaked. I shift in place to enjoy the slick feel of my lips sliding against each other and the tingle of pleasure it causes.

Erserro draws in an audible breath. The end of his long scaled tail twitches. “Because I promised to indulge you, I will find the patience for one more thing.” Before I can ask, he moves around the bed and sits on the side facing the large mirror. I can see the reflection of his face.

Erserro lifts his left hand to touch the side of his glasses. “Do you trust me, flower?” He’s still facing away, looking at me through the mirror.

“Of course.”

“Then keep your eyes open.”

I stare as he slowly pulls the glasses away from his face. This could be my last moment, but somehow I can’t believe it. I can’t believe he’d do anything to really hurt me.

Below his dark brows, Erserro’s eyes are framed with thick lashes. They’re stunning. I’m jealous. I’d have to wear false lashes to get that kind of thick full look. But that’s not what catches my attention.

I’m hooked almost immediately by the swirling gray mist of his eyes. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The color is more like silver than gray. It glints and sparkles as if lit from within. Each iris spins and swirls with a random and beautiful pattern like sand rolling in ocean waves.

“Tamsin.” The sharp tone in his voice jolts me out of myself.

“Huh?” I shake my head, slightly, trying to clear a little of the fog.

“I said are you alright?”

“Yes. I just...You’re beautiful.”

He sighs. “It’s nothing compared with you, flower. I promise.”

I shake my head. It’s just not true. It’s not even that I feel bad about the way I look. I don’t. Most days I feel great. But Erserro is so handsome it’s almost painful to look at. And it’s certainly painful to look away.

“Come here.” He sets aside the glasses and beckons to me.

My body zips with nervous excitement as I move closer to where he’s sitting. It’s as if I’m experiencing my first time all over again, anticipating something I’ve wanted and dreamed about.

When I come to the corner of the bed, he reaches for me. Before I know what’s happened, he grasps my arm and spins me until I’m facing him, heart caught in my throat as I realize I forgot to shut my eyes.

I needn’t have worried. He anticipated my error and closed his. I trace a shaking hand over the bridge of his nose and lightly across his eyelids. Erserro’s tail coils around my legs.

“I have you, flower. Always.”

I let out an unsteady breath. I like the sound of ‘always’ way too much.

