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“Hi, Julia.” My face was warm. I couldn’t prevent the red on my cheeks


What if he’d slept with her?

What if?—

“Is that ice cream?” Zander repeated, probably noticing the awkward way I was staring at the other chick.

“Uh, yeah.” I forced myself across the room and all but dropped the ice cream pints and spoon on his lap. He caught it easily, with no help from me. “It’s to say thanks for letting me borrow your truck. Brynn’s here, too, just so you know.”

“Thanks.” He grinned again, and my gaze flicked to Julia. Her eyes were narrowed at me, like she was suspicious of us.

Something flared inside me. The same stupid thing that had flared in the yoga studio.

And I made another terrible choice.

I leaned down and kissed him.

His free hand buried in my hair as he pulled me closer, his tongue parting the seam of my lips. I sucked in a surprised breath at the warmth as he stroked my tongue with his. After the initial shock, I pulled away and awkwardly ruffled his hair. “Thanks,Sweetheart.”

“Any time.” He winked at me, and I slipped out of the room. Though I wanted to slam the door behind myself, I didn’t want to risk leaving them alone together with privacy, so I left it wide open.

I was being ridiculous. Really, really ridiculous.

But I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

“Where’s Zander?” Brynn asked, stepping back inside and closing the back door.

“He’s, uh, donating blood.”

She shuddered. “Gross.”

Lowering my voice, I whispered, “The phlebotomist in there with him is crazy hot. And she glared at me like she wanted him.”

Brynn’s eyebrows shot upward. “So you left them alone?”

“What else was I supposed to do?” I hissed.

“Make friends with her. I’ll do it. Go organize your stuff.”

I groaned, but pointed the office out when she asked. She shooed me toward my bedroom—in the wrong direction, since she’d never been there before—and headed to the office.

Her cheerful, “Hi, who are you?” made me cringe for no reason.

Nogoodreason, at least.

It wasn’t like I felt justified for being jealous. Zander and I barely knew each other, and what we did know, neither of us seemed to really like.

Not knowing what else to do, I padded into my room and forced myself to get back to organizing.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as soon as I reached my room.


Thanks for the ice cream

I read the text once, then again, then put my phone away.
