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“I’m still off men,” I warned him. “And sex.”

“Mmhm.” He didn’t sound any more convinced than I felt.

“But not orgasms,” I added. “It would be letting Evan win if I went off orgasms because of him.”

“Very true. I think you should take your revenge in the form of many orgasms. With me.”

My smile widened. “We’re on the same page, then.”


We both went to our rooms to change and clean up. When I went back to the couch for my kindle, I found Zander sitting down again. Since he didn’t bother starting the movie over, it seemed safe to say he’d seen it before.

I grabbed my kindle, my eyes lingering on the man.

He was sprawled out and shirtless, wearing nothing but a clean pair of shorts. He looked… relaxed.

It had been so long since I felt as relaxed as he looked. Drinking enough blood helped with my anxiety a little bit—and the orgasm had helped too—but it didn’t stop the stress that always seemed to creep back in, tensing my shoulders and making me uncertain about basically everything.

What was his trick?

He’d been alive a long time; he had seen a hell of a lot more horrors than I had. Why could he relax, when I could barely breathe through my stress sometimes?

“Sit with me,” he said simply, catching my wrist and towing me onto the couch.

Instead of arguing or protesting, I sat.

When he draped his arm over my shoulders, I couldn’t help but lean closer.

He was warm, and his bare skin felt incredible against my arms, neck, and cheek.

“We’re just friends,” I warned him, though the words sounded a little uncertain in my ears.

“Mmhm.” He brushed his cheek against my forehead, and my eyes closed in peaceful bliss. “You feel nice.”

My face warmed. “So do you.”

His lips brushed my forehead.

Instead of turning my kindle back on, I stayed where I was and watched the movie with him. The longer we sat, snuggled up like that, the looser my shoulders got.

Maybe if I spent enough time with him, I could learn how to relax, too.

Nothing eventful happenedfor a few days, so I met Tatum and Brynn at an evening yoga class like usual after I felt more confident that I was safe. We did yoga and self-defense together, but only went to each class once or twice a week to keep it from getting overwhelming.

“So what’s going on between you and Zander?” Tatum asked me, as we stretched out on our mats at the end of the class.

My nose wrinkled. “I’m not sure. Nothing, really. We’re just friends.”

They didn’t need to know about the orgasms we’d given each other.

Or that we’d fed each other.

Or that Julia hadn’t been back since before I drank from him.

Or the way we’d been snuggling on the couch every night. We hadn’t touched each other since the first time we fed each other, but the snuggling had continued. I think we were both waiting for the other person to make the first move.

“I saw the roses in your kitchen,” Brynn countered. “And the note.Another beautiful nuisance to brighten your day?”
