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I was hurt.

I was worried.

And I wanted to fight. To show Evan that he couldn’t control me.

But Zander had been right; if he didn’t agree, there was nothing I could do about it.

So, I didn’t respond.

“Sleep well. We’ll talk in the morning,” he added, before he finally left me alone.

It took a long time, but eventually, sleep finally came.

The next morning,I woke up naturally. I was dressed and ready for my yoga class, and running a brush through my hair, when I remembered what had happened the night before.

My eyes stung all over again.

I couldn’t go to yoga.

I wasn’t even sure I could leave my house.

After sleeping so much, I didn’t think I could curl back up in bed and get any rest, so I padded out to the kitchen to find my laptop. I’d left it on the table the day before.

Halfway to the kitchen, my nostrils flared.

What was that smell?


Zander always met me at my morning yoga class, but he usually got there with a minute to spare, while I was ten or fifteenminutes early. He definitely never made breakfast before we went.

But sure enough, I found him frying bacon in the kitchen when I reached it.

I stopped in the entryway, staring.

The man was wearing nothing but a pair of sweats, and bobbing his head in time to some music while he flipped a pancake in a pan beside the one holding bacon.

Why was he so damn gorgeous?

And why was he cooking breakfast? He made lunch or dinner sometimes, just like me, but we ordered or picked up food most of the time to make our lives easier.

He turned to grab something behind him, and caught me staring at him.

His lips curved up in a half-smile. “Hey, Sweetheart.”

“I’m not your sweetheart.”

His smile widened slightly. “I found a yoga video for us to do this morning. Figured we could eat first, since we can turn it on whenever we want.”

I said nothing to that.

What was I supposed to say?Thanks for being thoughtful, even though you’re not willing to do the one thing that would make me feel better about our situation?

Because that would go over really well.

“Sit down. I’ll bring the food over when it’s ready.”

I wasn’t going to be ridiculous or rude by turning down the food he’d clearly made as a peace offering. So, I sat down and opened my laptop, hoping I could make it clear by working that I wasn’t interested in a peace chat.
