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“I’ll come over to stay with you while Zander finds somewhere to eat. Give me fifteen minutes.”

“That’s not going to work,” I whispered.

“Why not?”

I didn’t respond.

She knew the answer to that question too.

Tatum groaned. “Tell me you didn’t feed him, Miles.”

I stayed silent.

“So you’re both addicted to each other, and now you’re starving him because you disagreed about sealing the mating bond?”

When she put it like that, I sounded like a monster.

“I didn’t think about starving him. His eyes went red, but he hasn’t asked or anything. How often do demons need to eat?”

“At least once a week. Twice is better. Male demons are always hungry, though. Always. It’s why they go through so much chocolate. The sugar eases the cravings.”

Zanderhadbeen getting deliveries fromCoffee & Toffeealmost every day.


“He didn’t tell me that.”

“Sit down and have a conversation with him, and he probably will. I know you both well enough to know you’re avoiding each other.”

I huffed. “He won’t evenconsidermy perspective.”

“And you won’t evenconsiderhis.”

“Everyone agreed my plan was the best option.”

“The best, but the riskiest. You can’t blame him for not wanting to risk your life, can you?”

I hated that she was right. “I have to go.”

“Feed him, and the dreams will stop,” Tatum said.

“Thank you. Sorry about waking you up so early.” My lips curved downward.

“Don’t worry about it. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

We hung up, and I collapsed back on the bed, my mind already putting together a plan.



When I steppedout of my room, my hair was still damp from sweating, and all I was wearing was loose sleep shorts and a tank. I’d swapped the damp ones I’d been wearing for fresh ones, but hadn’t bothered with exercise clothes.

Zander was working on breakfast, and his hot gaze followed me straight to the table, and my laptop.

I turned it on and opened a document, typing the heading without a pause. It didn’t take me long to write it out, and when I was done, I emailed it to him. It wasn’t a masterpiece, but it would get the job done.
