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His eyes were molten. “Ride me. Wrap your lips around my cock. Let me take you against a wall. Drink from me while I fill you with my release. Depends on the day, and my mood.”

I gasped for air, so close to the ledge.

He took in a deep breath of my lust, and I moaned, hips jerking more. “I need you.”

“You don’t. Drag your tongue over your fangs.”

I took a shaky breath in and followed his order.

The soft, sensual brush sent me over the edge again.

I cried out, hips jerking and body pulsing with the pleasure that cut through me. Zander snarled, finding his release alongside me.

He sank to his knees in front of the tub, releasing his cock and taking my face in his hands. He pressed his forehead to my cheek as he drank my lust in hungrily, devouring it while he held me close. My slippery hands wrapped around his arms, anchoring me.

When my lust was gone, he stopped drinking and released his hold on me. I let go too.

After a few more moments, he finally murmured, “Thanks, Miles.”

Then, he got up and left the room, taking his pants with him.

My gaze followed his ass as he walked away.

He closed the door behind himself, and I shut my eyes, leaning my head back again.

I shouldn’t have felt so good.

I shouldn’t have wanted more.

But both things were true.

And when I woke up the next morning without having spent the night dreaming about sex, I still wanted him.

Two more days passed uneventfully.The third day started normally, but while I was working at the kitchen table, an email came through from Zander.

Freezer Sharing Agreement:

Zander agrees to keep both chest freezers full of blood at all times.

Miley agrees to help maintain the freezers’ stock. She’ll do so by drinking Zander’s blood from the vein thrice weekly, until he’s satisfied that she’s fully transitioned. Twice weekly following that declaration.

My stomach tightened at the implications.

I had made the first move with my bathtub agreement; he was matching my effort.

And as much as I wanted to say no, he did have a point. I didn’t want Julie to come back and drain more of his blood any more than he did.

He hadn’t mentioned me needing to feed that day, but I’d known it was coming. I just hadn’t expected it to come like that.

Shutting my laptop, I strode toward the back door. He was outside, doing yoga on his own on the grass again. The bastardwas definitely stubborn. And he must’ve scheduled the email to come through while he was out there.

I stood on the porch and called out, “Thrice weekly? Seriously?”

“I take your health very seriously,” he called back, his ass in the air for downward dog. Unfortunately, it was facing away from me, so I couldn’t get a good view.

“I’ve noticed.”

“So you haven’t been ignoring me?” The bastard was shameless.
